DP (31 Jan 2016)

The Doves can judge the word below. My comments are given first.
I have always felt that the Harvest Season in Israel shows us the Plan of Redemption and the Order of the resurrections/rapture/s.
Clearly, Jesus was the 'first of the firstfruits' Who was taken to heaven on the very Feast of Firstfruits. That was on a Sunday, the day following the weekly Sabbath. That Sunday was also Jesus' resurrection.
That very Day Started the Barley Harvest. One old calendar says the Barley Harvest in ancient Israel lasted for about 30 days. Then the Wheat Harvest was ready, and was normally completed by Pentecost.
Others say the Wheat harvest started at Pentecost. However, after much research and looking at the Gezar Calendar :
http://www.kchanson.com/ANCDOCS/westsem/gezer.html, I believe the Wheat Harvest was completed at Pentecost.
The above timing would make the completion of the Barley Harvest very close to the 2nd Passover, which was 29-30 days after the First Passover of Nisan 14-15.
The 2nd Passover would also be on a Full Moon. It was ordained to allow the keeping of Passover for a) a man on a long journey and b) those contaminated by having been in contact with a dead body.
Clearly Jesus is the 'journeyman' on a long journey and we, according to what Paul said are in contact with the ''body of this death''.....see Romans 7 at end of chapter.
Further, Song of Solomon was not written for Pentecost but for Passover! In fact it is read in the Jewish synagogues on Passover. In Chapter 2:10 there are SEVEN signs given that are introduced and concluded with the words ''Rise up and come away my Beloved''.
The timing is Spring..........not the end of Spring, but the start of Spring. Pentecost is at the end of Spring. Passover starts Spring and the rains stop so the Harvest can start! Otherwise it would be raining on the workers as they reaped the Barley Harvest!
These indicators are easy to ''see''..............if you ''see'' them.
Song of Solomon is the 17th book in the original Jewish Bible. It has 117 verses in it.
17 is the number of victory...........as in ''death where is your victory''?!
Jesus broke  Barley bread to give to His disciples to give to the multitude.
I believe there will be a rapture of the Barley Overcomers First. Then those so raptured will be used by Jesus to ''bring in'' the Wheat Harvest.
In the book of Ruth, Ruth ''continued with the workers of Boaz, in the fields Until the End of the Barley AND the Wheat Harvests''. The book of Ruth is traditionally read in the synagogues at Pentecost.........when both the Barley and Wheat Harvests were completed.
Clearly, Boaz is a type of Jesus and Ruth a type of the Bride.
Note: The Fall Festivals of Trumpets/Atonement/Tabernacles are the Conclusion of the yearly Harvest and is considered the 'grape harvest'.....as in ''grapes of wrath''. Yet even the grape harvest has it purpose.......so that there will be wine on Jesus' table!
It all has a purpose.
The word now follows which seems to corroborate the above scenario.
dp/ see word below

Please take this Word into prayer.
Psalm 37:18, The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be forever.
I received this Word from Father God Yahweh at 3:23 pm on 27 January 2016:
My Beloved and Faithful Daughter of Mine, write Father Yahweh’s Pleasant Words for all to hear, see, obey, and experience:
Soon My Children, the barley harvest will come in. This has always been a special occasion in My Israel. It brings in My First Fruits of the Harvest.
This has always been a shadow for what will be happening in the future. My Son’s Rapture will be the taking of the First Fruits. Those who have been washed thoroughly in My Son’s Blood, cleaned and purified and white as the snow.
The Barley Harvest is not the only harvest that exists, there is the wheat harvest which comes a little later. This, again is a shadow of things to come. If the barley harvest represents My First Fruits, and it is My Son’s Rapture and Rescue of His Bride, what My Children do you think the wheat harvest represents; would this not be yet another taking up of My Son’s Children?
 Yes, My Faithful Children, that is exactly what the wheat harvest is, another rapture. This will be of the one’s who had to endure more hardship because they weren’t quite ready as My Son’s First Fruits were. However, this has always shown My Mercy; My Mercy endures forever, and I will have mercy on who I will have mercy! This My Children is nothing new that I have not been telling My Messengers to give to My Children before. But there will still be many that will say My Word only mentions one rapture.
God has His Mysteries that I have chosen to only reveal in the Latter Days; the revealing of the closed and sealed Words. I, God Jehovah say to you to come to Me on bended knee and ask through My Son Yeshua sincerely, and I will confirm these, My Words. Study My Word now and see what other harvest that My Israel has, and what that may be the shadow of.
Father Yahweh , Always keeping His Children informed of the good and the bad, has spoken! 
end of word. See below for notes /chart of Gezar Calendar.

Hebrew Text
(from Gibson 1973:2)

ירחו אסף ירחו ז
two months of harvest, two months of plant-
רע ירחו לקש
ing, two months of late planting
ירח עצד פשת
a month of hoeing flax
ירח קצר שערם
a month of barley harvest
ירח קצר וכל
a month of harvest and feasting
ירחו זמר
two months of (vine) pruning
ירח קץ
a month of summer fruit
scribe's name

Two months—this is a dual form (see Tropper 1993).
Late planting—this is a rare term; see Amos 7:1.
Flax was grown in the ancient Near East as early as Early Bronze IV. It has a variety of uses: its fibers can be spun to make linen (see Genesis 41:42; Leviticus 6:10; John 19:40), and the seeds can be cold-pressed to make linseed oil (used for both cooking and medicine).
Barley is a hearty grain that has a shorter growing season than wheat and is also better at surviving drought and strong heat. The grain was used in cooking (e.g., bread) and the stalks were used as fodder for animals. lt has been found in Israelite archaeological sites from both the Iron I and Iron II eras. See Exodus 9:31; Leviticus 27:16; Ruth 1:2; John 6:9; Revelation 6:6.
Summer fruit—see 2 Samuel 16:1; Jeremiah 40:10; Amos 8:1-2.
Abijah—in all liklihood, this is the name of the scribe. His name means “Yah is my father.” This name appears in the Bible for several different individuals, including a king of Judah (see 1 Kings 14:31).