Doug L (31 Jan 2016)
"A new creation in Christ Jesus"

 A new creation in Christ Jesus -
Church - have we become so used to our religious activities without the infused life of Christ and the obvious power of The Holy Spirit that we are willing to settle for a prayer and a wish, a dream and a hope instead of the undeniable presense of our Lord - who alone is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond anything that we could ask ,hope or imagine? Our prayers are stale and boring, a repetitious begging and pleading with God to do what we ask without knowing God, His mind or His will. We ask and ask but we do not seek Him first with all of our hearts and then wait upon Him. We fill in the blanks of our repetitious prayers with more words directed at God but without ears to hear Him. We attend services filled with words of encouragement and honor God with our lips but our hearts and spirits are far from Him. Does anyone notice the absense of holiness, purity and power - the missing presense of God in our lives - in the churches? Most of us who claim to be christians are converted only in our beliefs about God but have not received a new life with a new heart that cries out to God our Father, to Jesus our Lord and to the Holy Spirit to lead us to fullness - the completion of God's work in us - a new creation in Christ Jesus. We have not fully surrendered to God that which belongs to Him - our very lives - because we are not fully persuaded of His love for us and that apart from Him we can do nothing. But - with God all things become possible!
Doug L