Anthony Mak (10 Jan 2016)
"Bride pays it forward first for the "shortening" of the 7 years Tribulation? ( interesting speculation )"

This may just prove to be a climatic Jubilee Year in which even the shortening of the 7 years tribulation is in God's plan for it to "begin" at the beginning part ( and not the end part ) of the "original" 7 years tribulation "scheduled" to begin around 2nd November 2015 and ends on Rosh Hoshana of 2022 making it a full 2520 days tribulation period and it happens INSIDE this Jubilee Year as well!

Lets just say that a fair amount of time of 7 months of 30 days each ( 210 days ) until the actual "tribulation day" begins will be what God will "shorten" from the entire tribulation and He is allowing the Bride to have the privilege to "pay the price" for it forward before the Rapture. ( Somebody has to pay the price for taking away so many days from Satan's promised 7 years rule, right? And its not going to be the tribulation saints who are actually the ones being "spared" from those days, so, no other group better than the faithful Bride is "qualified"! ). Which means that the Bride will have to suffer 2 more things a bit longer and that is a slightly further delay of the Rapture due to the "shortening" AND the taking on to a certain extend, the sufferings that would have been meant for the tribulation saints had the tribulation period not been "shortened"! ( A double wonder the scripture says that they will have "very little strength left"! )

However, the Bride will also not have to suffer the FULL 210 days because the Rapture should happen at least 2 to 3 months or so before the 1st day of the tribulation begins and the whole timeline for it should look something like this....

The "original" 7 years should have been from 2nd November 2015 to 26th September 2022 making it a biblical 2520 days period but, due to the shortening and the 365 days Gregorian calendar, the "eventual timeline" may look like this.....210 days added to 26th September will be 24th April 2023.........

And so, the 7 years covenant in the Gregorian calendar will be showing that it will be officially lasting from 24th April 2016 to 24th April 2023 in paper BUT, it will suddenly END on 26th September 2022 on Rosh Hoshana when Jesus and His army, SUDDENLY appears on the Mount of Olives thereby, EFFECTIVELY CUTTING SHORT THE TRIBULATION BY 210 days from its original intent of expiring on 24th April 2023! Haleluyah!!

This could also mean that, if, the Rapture is going to happen at least 2 to 3 months before 24th April 2016 to allow for the world to pick up the pieces of the Rapture effect before signing the agreement, then, January and February or maybe even March of 2016 can be hot candidates for the Rapture! ( Maybe, this is the only final "extension of time" that even the Lord can have to hold back for more souls to make it for the Rapture and no more than that..... even if, the "shortening" is up to a whopping 9 months ( 270 days), it will only be another 60 days difference....I don't believe that the "shortening" should be more than that....1 year may be too long...)  COME QUICKLY FOR YOUR "LITTLE STRENGTH LEFT" BRIDE LORD!!! WE WILL WAIT IT OUT NO MATTER WHAT LORD!!!!!!

PS- extra note - watch Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj's New Year PROPHETIC Message on 1/1/16 at "angel tv" on youtube - It'll Lift you up!!!!! POWERFUL!!!!! God Bless....