Neil Lipken (25 Jan 2015)
"This is Good!"

As all of you know, I am Jewish and have accepted Israel's long rejected Messiah (Jesus) as my Lord and Savior (Oct. of 1979).  I grew up among the Jewish people, and I know them very, very well.  This video shows the typical Jewish unbelief that operates among them.  Right now only around 1 out of 500 Jewish people know Jesus, the JEWISH MESSIAH, as their Lord and Savior.  After the soon Rapture and during the 7 year Tribulation Period, many Jewish people will then finally accept Jesus (Yeshua) as their Lord and Savior.  Jewish unbelief is described in both Old Testament and New Testament Scripture, far too much for me to teach on here, much as I would like to.


P.S.  Romans 1:16 states, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, TO THE JEW FIRST and also to the Greek (gentile)."  Jesus came to his own people (Israel) first so that they could be saved and have eternal life.