Judith (25 Jan 2015)
"Revised & Corrected Calendar Study - (with lines for easier reading)"

Finally I figured out another way to get the lines under the addition - by typing
'hyphens'. *:-&lt sigh I couldn't get it to transfer any other way - so whatever works.
This will make for much easier reading.


                                                      GOD'S CALENDAR STUDY

                                                                (a study in time)


--------------    ------------

At 360/day  At 365.25/day -     (Calendar begins March on the 360/day)
---------------   --------------------
                                                      CREATION - Adam lived 930/916.6 yrs.

      130                    128.1    -     Adam 130 yrs. - Seth born/lived 912/898.9 yrs. died
+    105           +      103.5          1042 on 360/day and 1027 on 365.25/day calendar.
----------           ----------------         
      235                    231.6    -     Genealogy Continued
+      90           +         88.7
----------           ---------------
      325                    320.3    -      "                  "
+      70           +         69
----------           ---------------
      395                    389.3    -     "                    "
+      65           +         64.1ญญญ
----------           ---------------
      460                    453.4    -     "                   "
+    162           +      159.7
----------           ---------------
      622                    613.1    -     Enoch born - lived 365/359.8 yrs. Raptured 987/972.
+      65           +         64  
----------           ---------------
      687                    677.1    -     Methuselah born - lived 969/955.1 yrs. died 1656/1632.2.
+   187            +      184.3
----------           ----------------
     874                     861.4    -     Lamech born - lived 777/765.8 yrs. - died 1651/1627.3.
+     56            +         55.2
----------           -----------------
     930                     916.6    -     Adam dies.
+     57            +         56.2
----------           -----------------
     987                     972.8    -     Enoch dies.
+     69            +         68   
----------           ----------------   
   1056                   1040.8    -     Noah born - lived 950/936.3 yrs. - died 2006/1977.2.
+   500           +        492.8
----------           -----------------   
   1556                   1533.6    -     Shem, Ham, Japeth - begin births.
+       2            +            2    
----------           -----------------  
   1558                   1535.6    -     Shem born - lived 600/591.4 yrs. - died 2158/2127.
+     93            +          91.7
----------           -----------------
   1651                   1627.3    -     Lamech dies.
+       5            +            4.9
----------           ----------------  
   1656                   1632.2    -    Methuselah dies - 969/955.1 - BEGIN FLOOD. 360 =
+       1            +            1             April 17; 365.25 =June 27
----------           -----------------         

   1657                   1633.2    -    END FLOOD.   Noah out of Ark  April 27 360 /day
                                                     July 7, 365.25/day.
+       1            +            1            
----------           -----------------          
   1658                   1634.2    -    Shem 100/98.6 - 2 yrs. AFTER FLOOD  - Arpachshad
                                                      born  - lived 438/421.9 yrs. - died 2096/2056.
+     35            +         34.5
----------           -----------------
   1693                   1668.7    -    Genealogy Continued
+     30            +         29.5
----------           -----------------
   1723                  1698.2     -    Eber born - lived 464/457.3 yrs. - died 2187/2156.6 -
+     34            +         33.5          (First Hebrew).  
----------           -----------------
   1757                  1731.7     -    Peleg born - lived 239/235.6 yrs. - died 1996/1967.3 -
+     30            +         29.6          People dispersed/divided
----------           -----------------
   1787                  1761.3     -    Genealogy Continued
+     32            +         31.5
----------           -----------------
   1819                  1792.8     -     "                    "
+     30            +         29.6
----------           -----------------
   1849                  1822.4     -     "                    "
+     29            +         28.6
-----------           ---------------
   1878                   1851       -    Terah (Abraham's father) born - lived 205/202.1 yrs.
                                                     died 2083/2053.1.
+     70            +         69
----------           ----------------
   1948                   1920       -    Terah's first born - (not Abraham) - (See Acts. Ch. 7:1-6).   
+     48            +         47.3
----------           ----------------  
   1996                  1967.3     -    Peleg dies.
 +    10            +          9.9
----------           ----------------
   2006                  1977.2     -    Noah dies.
+       2            +           1.9
----------           ----------------
   2008                  1979.1     -    Abraham born - lived 175/172.5 yrs. - Terah 130/128.1
                                                     yrs.at  Abraham's birth. (See Acts Ch. 7:1-6).
+     75            +        74   
----------           ----------------
  2083                   2053.1     -   Terah dies - Abraham 75/73.9 yrs. - departs to Caanan.
                                                    (See Acts Ch. 7:1-6; Gen. Ch. 11:32; Gen. Ch. 12:1-4).
+      3             +           2.9
---------            ----------------
  2086                   2056        -    Arpachshad dies.
+      4             +           4
---------            --------------
  2090                   2060       -     Abraham 82/80.8 yrs. - after Egypt - begin 430 yr.
                                                     Confirmation - (See Gen. Ch. 15 (March); See Ex. 21:41.
+      4             +          3.9
---------            ---------------
  2094                  2063.9     -     Ishamael born - Abraham 86/84.8.
+    13            +        12.8
---------           ----------------
  2107                  2076.7     -     God promises Sarah/Abraham a son - Sarah 90/88.7
                                                      Abraham 99/97.6 yrs.
+      1            +           1  
---------           ----------------
  2108                  2077.7     -     Issac born - lived 180/177.4 yrs. - died 2288/2255.1.
+    12            +        11.8
---------           ---------------
  2120                  2089.5     -     Confirmation - Issac offered as sacrifice - Abraham
                                                     tested and begins 400 yrs. Egyptian bondage -
                                                      Mar. 14/15 on 360 & Sept. 24/25 on 365.25.
+    38           +         37.5
---------          ----------------
  2158                 2127         -     Shem dies.
+    10           +          9.8
---------          ---------------
  2168                 2136.8      -    Jacob born - lived 147/144.9 yrs. - died 2315/2281.7.



  2168                   2136.8    -   Jacob born - lived 147/144.9 yrs. - died 2315/228l.7.
+    15           +          14.8
---------          ----------------
 2183                   2151.6     -   Abraham dies.
+      4           +            4
---------          ----------------
  2187                  2155.6     -   Eber dies.
+    58          +           57.1
---------         -----------------
  2245                  2212.7     -   Jacob 77/75.9 yrs. - Stolen blessing.  Departs to
+      7          +             6.9          Haran.
---------         -----------------         
  2252                  2219.6     -   Jacob marries Leah.  Begin 490 + 480 count to
+      7         +              6.9          the building of Solomon's Temple.  (See I Kings 6:1 &
---------        ------------------        Acts 13:20-21).     
  2259                  2226.5          Joseph born.       
+      6          +             5.8
---------         -----------------
  2265                  2232.4     -   Jacob 97/95.6 yrs. - Flight from Haran.  Renamed Israel
                                                   after serving 20 yrs. for Leah & Rachael.  
+    23          +          22.7
---------         ----------------
  2288                 2255.1      -   Issac dies.
+      1          +            1   
---------         ----------------
  2289                 2256.1      -   Joseph 30/29.6 yrs.  Becomes Governor of Egypt.     
+      7          +            6.9
---------         ---------------
  2296                 2263         -    Ends 7 yrs. plenty.
+      2          +            2   
---------         ---------------
  2298                2265         -     Ends 2 yrs. famine.  Jacob 130/128.1 yrs.   Into Egypt.  
+      5          +           4.9
---------         ---------------
  2303               2269.9      -      End  famine.
+    12          +        11.8
---------         ---------------
  2315               2281.7      -     Jacob dies.
+    54          +       53.2
---------         --------------
  2369              2334.9       -     Joseph dies.
+    71          +       70   
---------         --------------   
  2440              2404.9       -     Moses born - lived 120/118.3 yrs.  Died 2561/2524.2.
+    40          +      39.5  
---------         --------------
  2480             2444.4        -     Moses leaves Egypt.

+    40          +      39.4
---------         --------------
  2520             2483.8        -     Exodus - March 14/15 on 360/day & Dec. 24/25 on 365.25
                                                   day. Arrive Sinai May 14/15 on 360 & Feb. 22/23 on 365.25.  
                                                   After 3 days God comes down on Mt. Sinai - May 1718 on
                                                   360 & Feb. 25/26 on 365.25.
+      2          +        2
-----------      -------------         
  2522.1         2485.8        -     40/yr wilderness journey.    
                                                   Caleb 40 yrs. when at Kadesh-bar'nea - (2522).
                                                   See Joshua 14:1-7; Exodus 40:17; Numbers 1:1; 9:1;
                                                   14:29; 14:33; 32:12.   Leave Sinai April 20 in the second
+    40         +     39.4                year. Jan 18 on 365.25.
-----------      -------------
  2562.1        2525.2         -     Moses dies in the 11th mo. (Jan 2561 on 360/day). Enter
                                                  Gilgal March 10 on 360 &  May 13 on 365.25.  Passover
                                                   Mar. 14 on 360/day & May 17 on 365.25.


   2562         2525.2        -      Promise Land March 10, 2562on 360/day & May 13
+       5        +      4.9                on 365.25.
---------        ------------
  2567          2530.1        -      Distribution of land.  Caleb 85/83.8 yrs. (See Joshua 14:10).
+ 175         +  172.5   
---------        ------------
 2742           2702.6        -     End 1st 490 years from Jacob.  Begin 480/yr ct. to
                                                Solomon building of the temple.  See 1Kings 6:1; Acts 13:20-21.
                                                Total yrs. to Solomon = 652 includes Judges - 450/yrs. and time
                                                when Israel was without Judges; Eli; Samuel; Saul and David.          
+ 480.1     +  473.2
-----------     ------------         
  3222.1      3175.8        -     Begin Solomon's Temple 2nd month (April).  NOTE:  
                                               David's reign began approx. 3178 on 360/day; 3132.3
                                               on 365.25/day.  Ended 3218 on 360/day and 3171.7 on
                                               365.25/day.  Begin Solomon.
+     7.5      +      7.4
-----------     ------------
 3229.6      3183.2         -    End Temple  8th month (October) see 1 Ki. 6:38.  Temple
                                               built in 7 yrs & Palace 13 yrs.
+  13         +   12.8
-----------    ------------    
 3242.5      3196           -     End House.  Shekinah Glory enters Temple at dedication.
                                              Ark placed in Temple - September 15th ) 360/day. See 1Ki.
+   15.5     +   15.2              8:2.  Lev. 23:33 - (Feast of Tabernacles).  Aug. 21 on
-----------    ------------           365.25/day.  End Solomon's reign.
 3258         3211.2       -   .


   3258           3211.2    -   End Solomon's reign.
+   338        +   333.1
----------       -------------
   3596           3544.3    -   Begin Josiah - reigned 31/30.6 yrs.
+     13        +     12.8
----------       -------------
   3609           3557.1    -   End 13 yrs. Prophet's warning.
+       5        +       4.9
----------       -------------
   3614           3562       -   Josiah's 18th yr.  Passover restored.
+     13        +     12.9
----------       -------------
   3627           3574.9    -   End Josiah.  Begin Nebuchadnezzar 23 yrs. to final captivity.
+     23        +     22.6  
----------       -------------       Jehoahaz reigned 3 mos.  Begin Jehociachim - reigned 11 yrs.
   3650           3597.5
                                            1ST DEPORTATION - Begin Nebuchadnezzar's 19 yr. siege
                                            of Jerusalem.  The Shekinah Glory departed the temple Aug. 5/6/7
                                            in the 6th yr. of Jehociachin's reign - 360/day. Sept. 17/18 on 365.25.
                                            See Ez. 8:1 & 9:3; Ch.10.

                                            End Jehociachim.  Jehociachin reigned 3 mos. & taken captive.

                                            Begin Zedekiah.   Reigned 11 yrs.  
                                            Begin 2nd DEPORTATION - 9th yr. of Zedekiah, 10th mo. 10th day
                                            (December 10th) See 2 Kings 25:1.
                                            3rd DEPORTATION - End Zedekiah.  End Nebuchadnezzar
   3650         3597.5     -   19 yr. siege.  Begin  70 YR. CAPTIVITY - 7th day of 5th mo. (July 7)
+     70       +    69              the 11th yr. of Zedekiah.  See 2 Ki. 25:8 & Jeremiah 1:3. (360/day) 
----------      ------------        Jan. 17 on 365.25.         
  3720         3666.5      -   End Babylon Captivity.


   3720          3666.5      -   End Babylon Captivity.
+   522.5     +  515   
------------     -----------   
  4242.5       4181.5      -   BIRTH  OF JESUS  -  Star of Bethlehem - Sept. 10/11on 365.25/day,
                                             Sept. 4/5 on 360/day.
+      1.5      +      1.5
-----------      ------------
  4244          4183         -   Both dates = March 1BEGIN OUR CURRENT CALENDAR
                                            COUNT TO PRESENT YEAR.   Mary and Joseph take Jesus into
                                            Egypt to escape Herod.
+    31.5     +    31
-----------     -----------
  4275.5      4214         -   JESUS' CRUCIFIXION - Aug. 27/28 on 360/day.  March
                                            14/15 on 365.25/day calendar.
  4275.5      4214
+ 3/days   +3/days
------------    ------------
  4275.5      4214         -    RESURRECTION - March 17/18 on 365.25 day and  
                                            Aug. 30/Sept 1 on 360/day.
+40/days  +40days
-------------   -------------
  4275.6      4214.1      -   ASCENSION - April 26/27on 365.25/day and October  
                                           11/12 on 360/day, PENTECOST= May 6/7 & Oct. 21/22.
+    39.6     +   39.1
-----------     ------------
 4315.2       4253.2      -   Destruction of Temple - June 9 on 365.25/day and June  18
                                           on 360/day.


   4315.2       4253.2    -   Destruction of Temple.
+1905.4     +1878
------------    -------------
  6220.6        6131.2    -   Israel becomes a Nation - Oct 11/12 on 360/day & May
                                           13/14 1948 on 365.25/day calendar.
+    19.4     +     19.1
-----------     ------------
  6240          6150.3     -   Israel captures Jerusalem - 6/day war - Feb 17/18 on        
+    48.2    +     47.5          360/day & June 9/10, 1967 on 365.25/day calendar.
------------   ------------      
  6288.4       6198        -   Time of March 15, 2015 on365.25/day, Aug. 6 on 360/day.
                                            NOTE:  March 15 is the date of the crucifixion on the 365.25/day
                                            and Aug. 6 is the date when the Shekinah Glory left the temple
                                            at the time of the Babylonian Captivity.  Could this be a possible
                                            Rapture date?


A possibility for the Rapture is our April 10, 2015 (6198/yr. on the 365.25/day
which is also the same date (April 10) Noah entered the ark - 7 days prior to the
flood.  The April 10 date corresponds to Aug. 30/Sept. 1 on the 360/day yr. which
is the date for the Resurrection on the 360/day - see Calendar Study.  Sept. 1
is also Rosh HaShanah &Tishrei 1, the first day of the Jewish year on the
civil calendar.


The April 20, 2015 date is the same date the Israelites left Mt. Sinai on the
360/day yr.  This date corresponds to September 10, 6288 on the 360/day yr. which
many have concluded was Jesus' birth date


70; 1878; 1948; 2520; 2107; 2168; 47.9; 3720; 4242.5; 6287.9;
2296;  4244; 1631

 I'll show the significance for some of these..............

 NOTE:  When studying the years for the 360/day year please see calendar
study for the corresponding 365.25/day year.  The same is true when the
studies below are for the 365.25/day year - again, see the calendar study for
corresponding 360/day year.

1878 years begins with Terah's birth ( Abraham's father) with 70 years to
1948, the year of Terah's first born - these on the 360/day.  Similarly, It's
1878 years  from 70 ad to 1948 the new beginning for the nation of Israel,
only these on the 365.25day calendar -  the difference being 70 years
after 1878 to 1948 on the 365.25/day.

Moving backwards 70 yrs. from 70 ad we have 4183 - the year this calendar
study begins. Going forward from 4183  + 1948 = 6131 which is the year Israel
became a nation (again, on the 365.25/day calendar).  

From our starting count on the 360/day calendar (4244) going back 1948 years
we arrive at the year 2296 (again on the 360/day calendar).  That was 7 years
following Joseph becoming Governor in Egypt  when the 7 years of plenty
ended.  So, 2296 + 1948 = 4244.

Jesus wasn't quite 30 yrs. of age when he began his ministry.  The scripture
states that he was ABOUT 30 years of age.  That would bring the date to
4272.5 (approx. a couple of weeks/days short of 30 yrs.).  4272.5 + 1948.1 =
6220.6 (on the 360/day) - the same yr. as our 1948 (or 6131.2) on the 365/25day.

Next, consider the year 2520 (these dates on the 360/day cycle).    From Adam
to the Exodus is 2520 years.  From the end of the Babylon captivity to 1967
(which corresponds to the year 6240 in this study), is also 2520 years, i.e.
3720 + 2520 = 6240.   From the Exodus year 2520 to the time the nation of
Israel arrived in the Promise Land and completed the land division
amongst the 12 tribes was 47.? or, as shown in this study, 47.8 years,
2520 + 47 = 2567 - and 2567 + 3720 = 6287 (the year for the Rapture/Trib).  

From 6240 (our 1967) to the Rapture/Tribulation  is 47.8 years -
6240 + 47.8 = 6287.8.   I'm hopeful these dates  are correct, but keeping in
mind that only time will tell.

Only with accurate historical dates can we provide the evidence needed to
arrive at any final conclusion in this kind of dating method.    I strongly believe
we have those dates needed for this study - namely the Exodus date; the
Babylonian time frame and lastly, the birth and crucifixion of Jesus along with
the starting date for our end-time count.  


Can we determine how many years there are in a generation?

This study may produce just such an answer.

Please understand this is a study and my attempt to find the possible
meanings in biblical cycles and patterns of numbers. These studies
are only meant to promote possibilities.

The similarities in the cycles/patterns I believe are promising when
considering the multiple coincidences presented. All in all, time will

It has been a joy working on this and in any event we have the
signs of the times which ultimately is signaling the soon coming
of Jesus Christ.

The following is what I have recently discovered and I'm including
this as part of God's Calendars Study.

SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS - 42; 2014; 53; 47; 8 & 14 -

Matthew 1:2-16 lists the number of generations from Abraham to Christ.

There are 42 names listed:

From Abraham to David = 14 generations
From David to Jechonia = 14 generations
From Jechonia to Jesus = 14 generations
Total = 42 generations.

42 Meaning = Associated with the coming of Christ.

On the 360/day calendar above, Jesus was born in the year 4242.

The 4242 year is from God's Calendars Study above.


Note: The following years have been calculated on the 360/day year.
In order to determine the length of a generation we must figure the
total number of years from Abraham to Jesus. That number = 2234 yrs.

The year 2008 to 4242 = 2234 (360/day) Note: See study above.

Divide 42 into 2234 = 53 with 8 years into the next cycle of 53 years.
In other words the 53 year ended 8 years before the birth of Jesus.

Meaning of 53 = Faithful witness.

Meaning of 8= Holy Man/New Man: believer.

So 53 years is the number of years in a generation from Abraham to Jesus.

Subtract the extra 8 yrs. from 2234 = 2226 which is the year 4234.

Total years from 4234 to 6295 (end of trib.) = 2061 years.


2061 divided by 53 = 38 generations with a balance of 47 years into
the next 53 cycle/generation.

Total number of generations from Abraham to end of tribulation =
80 with 47 years which is 6 years short of completing the final
53 year generation.

Recall that it was 4234yrs. when the first 42 generations ended.
Also, 47 years was shown in God's Calendars Study - 47 being
the number of years from the Exodus to entrance into the
Promise Land including the 5 years for the division of the
land. Note - by subtracting the 5 years above from 47 = 42.

Here's what I think.........there are generations within generations.

From what I've discovered the Bible has many generation and 53
is one of them.

Using the 360/day year from the God's Calendar's Study posted on this
thread, I found that by subtracting the year of Jesus' birth from the end
of the tribulation you have 2053 years.

6295 - 4242 = 2053 years.

Also, on the 365.25/yr. 2053 was the year Abraham departed to Caanan!
What I'm saying, since there are generations within generations, in order to
determine a specific number of years from one period to another, you would
need a definite number of generations as in the 14 x 14 x 14 (42 total
generations) from the period of Abraham to Jesus. With the total number of
years in each of the 42 generations, you would divide the 42 into the
number of years......which is 2234 years. That figure then = 53 years.


In my Calendar Study I have as the dates for Jesus' birth being Sept. 4/5, 4242.5 on
the 360/day calendar and Sept. 10/11, 4181.5 on the 365.25/day calendar. (see above)

Haggai 2:18 says......From this day on, from this twenty-fourth day of the ninth month...".
For this study "this day" would be November 24 on the 360/day calendar.

The gestation period is 280 days. From November 24, 4241 on the 360/day + 280 days =
September 4/5, 4242. Those same dates on the 365.25/day = December 4/5, 4180 + 280
days = September 10/11, 4181 - both dates arriving at the birth of Jesus - see calendar.

I've discussed the possibility of the tribulation starting on September 9/10, 6288 on the
360/day which would be April 19/20, 6198 (our April 19/20, 2015) on the 365.25/day.
April 19/20 was the date Israel left Mt. Sinai for the Promise Land.

Adding 7 years + the additional 75 days of Daniel to September 9/10 = NOVEMBER
24/25, 6295 or 6.9 years + 75 days to the April 19/20, 6198 = July 3/4, 6205 (July 3/4,
2022) on the 365.25/day.


In the Calendar Study a time-line is given for the building of Solomon's temple.  In 1 Kings 6:1
it says "In the four hundred and eightieth year AFTER the Israelites had come out of Egypt,
in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began
to build the temple of the Lord", KJV.

We have two options as to how we calculate the number of years -

1.  Beginning FROM the Exodus.

2.  Or sometime "AFTER" the Exodus to the 4th yr. of Solomon's reign

The verse in 1 Kings 6:1 doesn't say FROM but rather "AFTER".  Therefore, we can conclude
it  was sometime after they arrived/left Mt. Sinai that the 480th year begins.

They left Sinai in the 2nd year; 40 years in the wilderness; 5 years for distribution of the land.

After those years follows  40 yrs. for Eli (1st Samuel 4:18); then about 20 yrs. for Samuel,
40 yrs. for Saul as King; 40 yrs. for King David;  finally 4 yrs. for Solomon.  Totaling 191 years.

There was a length of time when there was oppression and when Judges didn't rule. Those
time-lines are difficult if not impossible to figure, however, Acts 13:20-21 tells us that the
time for the Judges was "450 years".  In addition, there was a length of time when
there was no King and everyone did as he pleased (Judges 21:25).  No specific time is
mentioned, but there came a time when the people asked God for a King and God gave
them Saul.

I believe the 480th year is related to the 490 years (70x7).


If the Rapture were to happen now there would be approx. 2 mos. before the beginning
of the Tribulation. I believe there needs to be a period of time for Moses and Elijah to
call out and prepare the 144,000 for their 31/2 yr. ministry. Two months would
be a reasonable amount of time for their education and preparation.

The Rapture can happen any time soon, so be looking up!  

Hope this was a blessing,


e-mail - sweetbyandbyx2@yahoo.com