Bob Ware (25 Jan 2015)
"33rd Star of David links: 'LORD JESUS CHRIST' (3168), GN 1:1, JFK and Obama to 6 February 2015"


The 33rd Star of David number has 6337 elements. The hexagonal center has 3169 elements and the six points have a total of 3168 elements. 3168 is the Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’.


The circle in my attached diagram has a circumference of 6337. Its diameter is 2017. The 2017th composite number is 2368. 2368 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. Blue stone number 2017 is the center stone of the center row of John's ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’.


Strong’s Hebrew word number 6337 means: refined or pure gold. The short side of a golden rectangle within this circle is 1060. 1060 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack’ (580) and ‘Obama (480). The length of the arc opposite this short side of the golden rectangle is 1117. 1117 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘John’ (399) and ‘Kennedy’ (718). 1117 is also the sum of the gematrias for the first ten letters of Genesis 1:1.


The length of each 90 degree arc, opposite each side of the square within this circle, rounds off to 1584. 1584 is the gematria of the remaining 18 Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1. 1117 + 1584 = 2701. Thus, each 180 degree arc of the circle equals the gematria of 36 Hebrew letters. Two 180 degree arcs would equal the sum of 36 + 36 Hebrew letters. The length of the arc opposite the long side of the golden rectangle is 2052. 2052 + 1584 = 3636. 3636 is the sum of the four points of the overall ‘Prime Cross’ of the ‘Prime List’ where the 153rd prime number (881) falls at its center. There 3636 months in the 303 normal 365-day years in one 400-year Gregorian calendar cycle.


In my diagram I have marked off arc points around the circumference equal to the first 33 Star of David numbers. The 16th Star of David number is 1441. The 1441st day of the current 19-year Jewish calendar cycle was 9.11.2001. 9.11.2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush.


The current Jewish calendar cycle began on 10.2.1997. >From 10.2.1997 to 2.6.2015 will be 6337 inclusive days. From 2.6.2015 to the fourth ‘Blood Moon’ eclipse on 9.28.2015 will be 234 days. After 2.6.2015 Obama will have 713 days remaining in his second term. 713 is the sum of the first 22 prime numbers and also the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’.


From the Winter Solstice of 2012 (the Mayan date) to 2.6.2015 will be 777 days.


At the bottom of the circle the arc between the 23rd and 24th Star of David numbers is 276. 276 souls were saved in Paul’s shipwreck. 276 is the 23rd triangle number.


Links to previous posts with markers for 25 January 2015: