Anthony Mak (25 Jan 2015)
"WOW! How quickly its happening - must read!"

We may be at the very brink NOW brothers and sisters!! No sooner than 5 days after I had written my latest post, the Saudi King passes away on the EVE of the beginning of the 2nd QUARTER!!! ( read my previous post to understand this ). And not only that, the world's doomsday clock was also adjusted to 3 mins to doomsday on the same day! How mind blowing is that...what the Holy Spirit has shown me on the 17th January may very well be the real thing in real time!!! ( but He did not show or tell me when is the actual Rapture Day )

GET YOURSELF AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD IN ORDER!!!!!! ( We may have anytime between now and 24th May left for the Rapture & 24th May is Pentecost )

We may or may not be going through the psalm 83 war just before the Rapture that may erupt anytime within this 2nd quarter starting from today ( the 23rd of January ). The Iranians, Hezbollah and all of the Psalm 83 war participants has been waiting for the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to start this war because it has already been prophesied in the Shiite Islamic world that once the King of Saudi Arabia dies, particularly King Abdullah himself, the Shiite Mahdi will appear to lead them to victory out of a Major war / chaos after his death ( King Abdullah's ) in the middle-east with the Israelis and this will certainly spur them on to start the war to achieve their goals because they believe that their Allah is with them on this and the prophecy is coming true for them!!!

I actually drew a chart for my own monitoring these final 3 quarters and had put 2 important notes for reference in it and the 1st one was that the Bible codes point to war with Hezbollah in the month of Adar and that the feast of Purim happens to be in Adar 14 /15 of this year which is March 4 / 5 / 6 in the Gregorian calendar. The 2nd important note is......" the death of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah will be VERY significant and if it happens in the 1st half of the 2nd quarter, then its really times up!!!" ( That's exactly what I wrote sometime on the 20th of January and now you can understand my excitement with this! Not only did it happen within the 1st half ( if it was early ), it actually happens one ( 1 ) day BEFORE the 1st half begins!!! )

My chart also shows the ending of the judgment of the household, also known as the closing of the Church Age stretching from the beginning of the 2nd quarter ( 23rd January ) to the MIDDLE of the 2nd quarter on 24th March 2015 ( 4 days after the solar eclipse on the 20th ) where I had written "critical" for the 1st 60 days of the quarter ending on 24th March and "most critical" for the last 60 days of the quarter ending on 23rd May ). In the whole stretch of 120 days of the 2nd quarter, I've also written, " possible psalm 83 war during this period", " transition of judgement of household to Daniel 9:27" and " Rapture events very possible".

Whether the events will happen exactly as is written on the chart or not, one thing is for sure, the Holy Spirit has given me this chart to remind me ( and you ) to be READY at all times and the Lord Jesus is arriving in the clouds above the earth very very soon...GET READY TO MEET YOUR SAVIOUR!! Amen and Amen!!