Paul N. F. (27 Jan 2014)


    By A. W. Tozer

    His servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto
    death, or of obedience unto righteousness.  Romans 6:16

        The Christian doctrine of obedience to God and to His
    will is now largely neglected in modern religious circles,
    and many in our own congregations seem to feel that our
    obligation to  obey has been discharged by the act of
    believing  on  Jesus  Christ  at  the  beginning  of  our
    Christian lives.

        We need to remember that "the will is the seat of true
    religion in the soul." Nothing genuine has been done in a
    man or woman's life until his or her will has been
    surrendered in active obedience.

        It was disobedience that brought about the ruin of the
    race. It is the obedience of faith that brings us back again
    into the divine favor!

        It needs  to  be  said  that  a  world  of  confusion
    results from trying to believe without obeying!

        A mere passive surrender may be no surrender at all.
    Any real submission to the will of God must include
    willingness to take orders from Him from that time on.

        I keep wondering whether the Lord's ministers will
    again  give to obedience  the place  of prominence  it
    occupies in the Scriptures.
    Yours in Christ,
    Paul N. F.