Phil (27 Jan 2014)
"Queen Handing Over Responsibilities to Prince Charles."


John and Doves,
With the Queen handing over some of her responsibilities to Charles we might consider some other aspects
of all things Royal.
The Queen will be 88 on 21/4/2014. (7/7)
And Prince William will be 33 on 21/6/2015. (9/8)
(There were 88 memorial lights for the Twin Towers. There were 88 memorial light beacons in Perth for the 88
Australians killed in the Bali Bombing 1yr, 1mth and 1 day after 9/11.)
Both were born on 21st or 7+7+7 days.
From 21/4/2014 to 21/6/2015 is 426 days or 1yr 2 mths or 14 mths or 7+7 mths.
So there is 7+7 months between their respective birthdays which happen to be the 88th and 33rd -
88 + 33 = 121 or 11 x 11.
From their abbreviated birthday data at the top of this page -
7x7 = 49
9x8 = 72
49 + 72 = 121 or 11 x 11.
And 4+9+7+2 = 22 or 11 + 11.
So there are two occurrences of the number 121 associated with these two birthdays featuring an 88th and a 33rd
separated by a 7+7 (month) gap. The gap is the same every year of course but these specific (double digit) ages
only occur this one time.
And lastly, in the Bible the number 11 stands for the antichrist - the little horn coming out of the ten horns.
Keep looking up,