Charles (27 Jan 2014)
"Progressive revelations"


Knowing the terror of The Lord we seek to persuade men. Watch therefore and pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape the wrath to come. Those He foreknew he predestined to become Firstfruits whom you also when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation that you believed.

This world is not what we think it is. We are a crop. We are watching a thousand fall here there pestilence and famine. The Father gives and calls to His Son only those He calls can come to Jesus. Those that He calls he prunes those to abide in the vine that hear fruit.

The wheat will be gathered into the barn at the gathering of the elect the chaff will be ashes under the feet of those who Fear Him in that day they shall go forth as calves of the stall.

Tares where sown along side the wheat.

Salvation is entirely of God the Father through whom He choses to call to His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. He prunes the vines and bears fruit thtough the elect. It is all thtough His Spirit in the flesh we can do no good thing apart from Jesus.

Life is entirely through Him. The wise shall understand but none of the wicked will. The parables where to hide the truth from those not called and receiving the unction of truth the Holy Spirit so with diligent study they would see and understand and be humbled and know they were entirely dependant upon God through Jesus to be saved and that when they were through no merit of their own saved on that day worship Him truly forever.

And that they would seek to seperate themselves and clense themselves as a bride until He came hoping to please Him.

That is all life is. All else is vanity. Fear The Lord obey His commamdments. Love God with your whole heart mind and soul, love others as yourself.