Bob Ware (27 Jan 2014)
"Sharon's total days in a coma =  'JESUS' (888) + 'ANTICHRIST' (2041)"

In my previous post I wrote: 7 August 2011 was 2041 (‘ANTICHRIST’) days after Ariel Sharon went into a coma, 888 (‘JESUS’) days before he died on 11 January 2011, and 2017 days after Kaduri died. The 2017th composite number is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368).
888 days after Sharon went into the coma was 10 June 2008. That was the 41st anniversary of the end of the Six Day War. Sharon lived another 2041 days. 10 June 2008 was 864 days after Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri died. 864 is the gematria of the Greek words for 'SAINTS' and 'JERUSALEM'.
10 June 2008 was 2812 days after Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount. He died on 11 January (11.1) of 2014. 2812 minus 111 equals the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). 
From the day Sharon died (1 January 2011) to Nisan 1 (sunset of 31 March 2014) will be 79 days. The 79th element is gold. Each molecule of Gold has a total of 276 elementary particles. Acts 27:37 "Altogether there were 276 of us on board." 79 is the 23rd prime number and the 23rd triangle number is 276. Should we be watching 31 March 2014 for a connection to Acts chapter 27?