Stacey Kowalewski (11 Jan 2012)
"To Paul Wilson in regards to sabbatical and Jubilee years:"

To Paul Wilson in regards to sabbatical and Jubilee years:

Paul wrote “I post this because someone had asked about if there was a record of jubilees from when they were observed in Israel.”
I have done a little bit of biblical research regarding Jubilee observances by Israel. Biblicly speaking Israel never successfully observed a Jubilee. In all the years under the law. They also did not observe sabbatical years for most of their early history. This is one of the reasons why they were led into captivity in Babylon for 70 years, because they failed to observe the sabbatical year for 490 years prior. 70 years of captivity for the 70 sabbath years they failed to observe in those 490 years (70 sabbaths x 7 years = 490 years). It is true that Sabbath years have been observed, though I am not certain if their current means of observance would qualify under the law. But since the destruction of the temple, their observance is based upon speculation of early rabbinical researchers, who put together historical and verbal accounts. They may or may not be accurate. Though if one could accurately date the return of the exiles to Jerusalem after Babylonian captivity then one could count that year as a Sabbath year, unfortunately those dates are not precisely recorded, I have seen historical dates that fall within a several year range. As for the Jubilee cycle, Israel still has not ever celebrated one. The first Jubilee to ever truly be observed I believe will occur when Jesus Returns, and He knows exactly when it will be, His jubilee will arrive just when it is supposed to. According to His reckoning of time.
Though we understand the Sabbath years and Jubilee years to be important to the timing of prophetic events, I personally believe that one cannot look at the current reckoning of the timing of sabbatical years as an accurate means to date the possibility of prophetic fulfillment.

