Sharon Kaiser (9 Jan 2012)
"WashPost: Scientists create a version of Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak _ but with a wrinkle in time"

John, this was in my Sunday newspaper.  Intriguing, especially
the line "it happened so quickly that it's not even a blink of an eye."
God is the master scientist.  Will our transport be "an entire event
impossible to see" ?  And will the "strong delusion" be connected
with this "impossible" event that has taken place?  

What a time to be alive!!  May we all soon see each other face to
face in the presence of our beloved Jesus, Savior and Lord!

Love to you and family,
Sharon Kaiser

 Scientists create a version of Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak _ but with a wrinkle in time
 By Associated Press
 WASHINGTON — It’s one thing to make an object invisible, like Harry Potter’s mythical cloak. But scientists have made an entire event impossible to see. They have invented a time masker.
 To view the entire article, go to