Paul N. F. (9 Jan 2011)

By A. W. Tozer

 . . . But those who don't trust him have already
been tried and condemned for not believing
in the only Son of God." 
- John 3:18

   When God warns a nation or a city, a church or a
person, it is a grievous sin to ignore such warning. In
conservative Christianity, we believe that the Christian
message does indeed contain an element of alarm, but
not all Christians believe this.

   Some have been taught that the Christian gospel is
"good news exclusively." They believe that the only way
to explain the full meaning of the Christian gospel is to
quote one verse: "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will
be saved."

   "That is it! That is all there is to it," they say.

   They surely need to be reminded that in the use of
  language, it is impossible to make certain definite
  statements without bringing to mind that which is exactly

     So, when the Scriptures admonish us to believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ to be saved, there comes to our mind the
fact of mankind's lost condition and the starkly plain
message to those who do not believe: 
"There is no eternal
doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those
who don't trust him have already been tried and condemned
for not believing in the only Son of God."
- John 3:18.

Yours in Christ,
Paul N. F.