Pineman (9 Jan 2012)
"2012 is The Year of the Boogie Man, But Don't Be Frightened"

Dear John & Fellow Watchers:

Here's another interesting perspective regarding the current situation (44 minutes).



Happy New Year Watchers!

Here is the link to the Sunday Gathering show to start out the new year.  2012 is the year of the boogie man, but don't be frightened, God is still in control!  Don't miss today's show, I think you will like it!

God bless you always,

Brother Sal

The Sunday Gathering at the Store House with Brother Sal
Listen at your leisure. Don't miss this show!
Listen now to The Sunday Gathering 1-1-2012
 We are Moved!  The New HQ for CHN Ministry is in Sayulita, Mexico
Thank you for being patient with me.  Regular programming continues!

Servers are still down!  Keep Praying for their restoration, and this Ministry.
Remember your Frankincense Offerings keep this Ministry coming to you.

Click on the Frankincense Offering Button in the
Watchers Links Column on the Right in Daniel's Glasses
Put a Smile on God's Face
Thank You!