Lynnette (11 Jan 2012)
"Dr Owuor's schedule"


Dr Owuor's website does take a long time to load & open. But recently I noticed the conference dates/ schedule has been amended. 
Some earlier dates I had recorded are no longer listed,
but theses two upcoming conferences are listed on his webpage.
Anyone with updates - please keep us posted  :)  Blessings,Lynnette
Upcoming Revival Events
  January 26-28, 2012


    Australian National University (ANU),
    Studepost nt Union Conference Room, Acton, Canberra, ACT.,
    Morning session 10am to 2pm

    Afternoon session 5pm to 9pm
    Register at (


    - Pastor Casper 0420 781 487
    - Amelea, Tel: 0401 968 598

  • Luanda Angola Conference
    February 10-12, 2012