Josua (9 Jan 2012)
"To Lydia F., Pieter and al Doves: The OIL in the parable of the 10 virgins, Matth. 25"

Dear Lydia, Pieter and all Doves,

Thanks for getting back to me regarding the oil in your post:

In fact I forgot to add the most important, which is OBEDIENCE to the word of God!

"OBEDIENCE: THE VERY ESSENCE OF SALVATION" from Paul N.F., apeared exactly the Jan 2012 at FiveDoves! :-), as if God wanted to make sure we don't forget that obedience is key!

So in summary, I'd assign the oil in the parable of the 10 virgins as follows:
- knowledge in the word of God
- understanding of the word of God through the holy spirit
- Obedience to the word of God - and in fact obedience is the most important!

Our discussion inspired me to make a little video about it:

Watch & Pray!
YBIC, Josua