Jill Hart (26 Jan 2012)
"The sleeping virgins"

One last note that I feel compelled to share with you all..

Over the last six years, maybe seven to twelve, there have been many
leaders in the church talking about the rapture and end times
prophecy. To me it seems that this urgency has taken a serious decline
towards ignoring the signs in the last year or two.  Many of the
people that were watching with everything they had are now just going
about their lives as though there were years still left.

The thing that I feel compelled to share is to encourage you all to
keep watching, don't fall asleep now, the longer we wait the closer
our groom gets.  Keep your lamps full, surely (is that your name? -
loved that post by the way) the Lord is coming soon at a time you do
not expect.  January 27-28 could well be the timing, it certainly is a
random date in the secular scheme of things.

Joining  you in the circle of His Grace,