Jennifer (9 Jan 2012)
"Tyra "Yes, I know exactly what you mean! Donald Price""

   My dear sister in Christ and my friend...
   I total agree with both of you... I never really thought about it this way, but yes the clock is moving allot faster. I am always tired, feeling like a gerbal running in a wheel and not getting anywere. You go shopping needing to pick up something and nothing of the world will do (shocking). Favorite foods do not have the same flavor (you know I eat and cook), this is an odd one for me. Still seeing 11's. Wishing we were gone yesterday, but knowing God may  have more souls to win.. I would rather he do this, then they meet there fate for forever. Either way, I know our Father is coming.
   No matter what, I know he lives and the clocking is ticking... Yeah....

   Faith is an amazing tool that we have been blessed with...

   Thank you John for all you do...

                     Jennifer "Lil Bit"