Edwina (31 Jan 2012)
"Purified like unto Gold? Latest Thoughts......and to Ron Reese."

Dear Doves,
If I may, I would like to thank Ron for pushing me beyond my bounderies! I embraced his process since I wanted to learn and believe and be shown new aspects that I had not until then embraced. Imaging there was a DEADLINE, really impacted upon me and my spirituality and I am pleased, because I have gained so more from this process than just to lose "face"...being a fool for Christ? Well, either way, I thank him for all his good works and I'm sure we'll hear again from him before we do hear that Trumpet Call.
Dates and times, numbers and signs they have not changed. Jonathon Kleck's radio has been an education for sure.
Whether we are in or not in the Tribulation, and then Great Tribulation, we all agree we are on the cusp of our rapture.
As we are all watching, listening, searching and waiting, it does seem as if we are being allowed, just another day! Another day to prepare. Another day to try to share the Gospel and saving grace of Jesus and His Blood. Daily re-dedicate ourselves to each other in brotherely love?
Thanks to Ron I now live each day, on high alert - quite normal, each moment, topping up that oil, thinking of heavenly places and pray that I am on the same wave length with our King and Lord, and when we come face to face will not be confused, shocked or in a different state than what Jesus, Yeshua, desires us to be..?
I thank all my brothers and sisters in Christ who in different giftings, together we are grafted into a Christian gentile and Jew, in whom I am constantly blessed by the sharing of our struggles, revelations, information and failures. For In Christ all is brought to His Perfection through His Precious Blood.
Thank you John Tng. You are the foundation to many many blessings.
with sincere love to all doves, edwina.