DP (9 Jan 2011)


The above is about when the Jubilee year starts. I have always felt that way/PER THE ABOVE LINK.....for the announcement was to be in the 49th year, in the 7th month.......the fact that Atonement is Tishri 10 and is called the 7th month shows us that the first month in this way of calculating the Jubilee year is NOT Tishri.......but Nisan.
So Nisan 1 starts the Jubilee year.
By the way, Jesus said in the flesh, he came to ''announce the acceptable year of the Lord''........that is reference to the Year of Jubilee.........
Bonnie Gaunt's timeline showed that Adam was created in 4002 BC/ in the Fall and sinned 33.5 years later in 3968 BC in the Spring.
Notice that just as Adam lived in the Garden for 33.5 years before sinning, Jesus lived 33.5 years before becoming sin!
From 3968 bc Spring/ Nisan TO  33 AD NISAN ......time of the cross is exactly 4000 years. The Jubilee has to do with being set free from debt......ie SIN.
So from when Adam sinned in 3968 BC of Nisan ( I think it was on the 14th of Nisan based on typology), TO Nisan 14 of 33 AD was exactly 4000 years or 80 Jubilee periods of 50 years each.
Yes, I am aware that there is another alternative way to count the Jubilee in periods of 49 years, but in prophetic time I don't think that applies.
At the start of Jesus' ministry He announced He had come to ''proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord''.........and that would be the Jubilee of 33 AD/ NISAN.......THE TIME OF THE CROSS!