Calvin (31 Jan 2012)
""A sign of Your goodness.." - Tim Tebow & Elliot Hong's analysis!!!"

"A sign of Your goodness.." - Tim Tebow & Elliot Hong's analysis!!!


Early this morning (1/31), I checked my Email and had today's
post which Elliot Hong is sending to Five Doves. To me, it
contained some "gems" that I hadn't seen before. Several
things flooded me about God's "goodness" in "showing" His
servants or "using" (Tim Tebow) His servants to give us "signs"
of His return to take us away from here!!!!

When I got through praising God, I just didn't know whether
to post or not but just thought I'd open my Bible and "see"
what I would turn to. What I opened directly to was a verse
which PERFECTLY FIT what Elliot had written regarding Tim
and his "sign" before the world!!!

Psalm 86 (NIV 1984)
17 Give me a sign of your goodness,
that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me.

The 46th Super Bowl
Elliot Hong

Dear Doves:

In the previous letter, I mentioned about a possibility that
Tim Tebow might be vanished before the Super Bowl, and
it'll give a tremendous shock and impact to Left Behind People.
And this could be one of reasons that the Almighty made Tim
so popular through that miraculous game.

Since the tensions are really building up rapidly in Syria and
Iran right now, it's very possible that it reaches to the climax
by February 5(Sun), the day of the 46th Super Bowl.

I believe the miraculous game of Tim Tebow was a very
significant sign because the Almighty knew many of us were
disappointed and confused as 2011 passed, so He wanted to
comfort and encourage us by giving a definite hint through the

To me, only one pass completion which let the overtime to end
in 11 seconds was a clue that the Judgment could begin within
one month. The game was played on Jan.8, so one month will
be until Feb.8, and it fits.

Again, this is just my opinion.

