Bruce Warner (9 Jan 2012)
"1,290 DAYS AND 1,260 DAYS RE-VISITED....."

Dear Doves,

The Nation of Israel will be 70 years old ( a generation?) on May 14, 2018

In the Jubilee Year 2016 Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets occurs on
October 3rd or 4th depending on the sighting of the New Moon. The
Second Coming of the Lord may be scheduled to fulfill  this Feast of
Trumpets during the Fall Feasts in the next Jubilee Year 2016.

According to Scripture, Biblical Passover is always on Nisan 14. From
Passover March 24, 2013 (Nisan 14) to October 4, 2016 (Tishri 1) is
1,290 days. Could it be that the 'abomination' will be set up on
Passover March 24, 2013 which is 1,290 days (43 months) before the
Second Coming of the Lord on October 4, 2016?

According to Scripture, Satan is cast out of heaven 1,260 days (42
months) before the Second Coming of the Lord. From April 23, 2013 to
October 4, 2016 (Tishri 1) is 1,260 days. Could it be that Satan is
cast out of heaven on April 23, 2013 which is 1,260 days (42 months)
before the Second Coming of the Lord on October 4, 2016?

The Spring Equinox is March 20, 2013 - followed by Passover four days
later on March 24, 2013 - followed by 30 days (one month) later on
April 23, 2013. The 'Month of Nisan 2013' could prove to be a very
interesting month.

Come Lord Jesus!

Bruce Warner