Adam Amos (6 Jan 2012)

Dear John and Doves,
It's been a couple of years since I posted something on here but I'm always interested in reading what others have posted here. One day a few months ago, I was visiting my grandmother, who lives in a retirement village owned by Housing New Zealand where there are 21 flats all together but they aren't all joined together. They are in blocks of 2 or 3 flats joined together. My grandmother lives at the end of her block ( flats 17, 18, & 19) in flat 19. This particular day, as I was leaving her place, as I was walking down the footpath, I started talking out loud to the Lord, asking him when would the 7 year tribulation end, and He answered me by saying "As your grandmother lives at the end of the block in flat number 19, so the final year of the great tribulation will also be 2019" Straight away I took 7 away from 2019 and it came to 2012.
Take Care &
God Bless
Adam Amos