Will Schumacher (14 Jan 2011)
"First use H0526"

Most of the numbers Clay Cantrell writes about have a duel meaning to them of salvation and destruction.

263/526 is no different I believe.  263 is the base greek antichrist  7x263=1841

I look for 411,119,265,109 as per former posts

526 is a clear reference to the rapture date I believe

I look for 147,65,306,526,527 as main numbers

How does God use H0526 the first time

1 Kings 22:26 shows the duel nature of 526

7th word down H0527 =Amown=gematria of 97 and total gematria of 1506

97 is base of enock number 97x15=1455

1506=527x2 + 113x4



1506=411x3 +273

1506=411x2 + 228x3(gem of firstfruits)

1506=726 + 12x65


1506=265+1241(gem of Pentecost)


1506=306x3 + 4x147 or 306x3 + 84x7

1506=109x10 + 416

1506=3x395 + 3x107  

Amazing combination of bad and good

will schumacher