Randy (31 Jan 2011)
"For Arabs in Middle East....is this their "BERLIN WALL" moment?????????"

"Arabs will topple tyrants..."
Incredible times......
Mohamed Elbaradei (ex UN head of Nuclear Inspections......who once said Iran was still 10 years from developing a nuclear bomb......and also said "Iran is not developing a nuclear bomb (I think......kinda like having the fox watch the hen houe and declaring:  The hen house is perfectly safe!!)
.......is running for President in Egypt......
Does anyone know what PARTY he is running from?  
This time MIGHT be the chnace for the Muslem Brotherhood, all throughout the Midel East, to actually WIN elections in a democratic vote.....and come to power in different places..
Amazing......that once DEMOCRACY and free VOTING by the people comes to the Middle East,  the end result is NOT what the United States (or me....or any of us) would have expected.
Example:  Hizbollah taking plitical control in Lebanon....or Hamas (?) taking control in Gaza....
What would the PEOPLE do in Egypt if given FREE Voting in Elections?  
WATCH OUT......   Democracy in Egypt wil NOT provide s president who will be someone the United States would like to have...
AHhhhh.... could this be the Arab's " Berlin Wall" moment......even under the umbrella of Democratic Voting???    WATCH!!!!
PS....things are heating up out there......and yet.....incredibly......the US Dollar and the US stock market are holding up pretty well. (We'll see if Friday's sell off continues in to thie week....)
Watch:  When the world runs for financial safety......(so far, for the last few years...) they run to the US Dollar.  We'll see if that continues.....
Interesting times!!!