Mercer (14 Jan 2011)
"Mountain House Food Alert, None Available, 92% Dealers Cut:"

Heads Up...FYI
After watching the weather channel a few minutes ago I was astonished at the flooding in Brazil, Austraila and Indonesa.
The 7.0 earthquake today.
Now Israel is on high alert
US Considers Military Option Against Hezbollah

 Things are falling into place for Rev. 6:5 The third seal.


 Mountain House Food Alert, None Available, 92% Dealers Cut: Having been one of the largest freeze dried food dealers in the U.S. for a number of years, I can tell you that this event is ominous. There are less than a dozen freeze drying food production facilities of consequence in the U.S. of which Mountain House is the largest. I was contacted late Wednesday night by one of their major dealers. He stated that Mountain House only had 4 entrees of foil packaged food available in their warehouse. They informed my dealer friend that "It was only going to get worse"!

They would not confirm how much the U.S. govt. was buying but, it was my friend's opinion that "they pretty much bought it all"! I would strongly suggest that given the dire harvest reports and weather wars now underway, you speed up and add to your existing food supplies ASAP. Flooding, fires, blizzards and locusts, not to mention flash freezing coupled with historic snowfall in areas that don't get snow, should be a massive kick in the pants to get going in adding provisions and acquiring additional emergency items.