Marilyn Agee (15 Jan 2011)
"Carolyn G: "T.V. show "V" is Demonic""

From: Marilyn Agee
Re: Carolyn G (14 Jan 2011)
"T.V. show "V" is Demonic"
> > I was sort of half asleep and half awake.  I thought, "what is it?"  Then I felt a strong force on my stomach.  It was like I was strapped to the bed and couldn't move.  With my hand I was trying to push it off, but it wouldn't move.  It was pressing down on my stomach.  With all of my might I was trying to yell, "No!  Stop!  Go away!"  But I couldn't seem to make a sound.  I started twisting and trying to get away.  It finally left.  I thought that I got up and then looked back to see what it was.  I saw what looked like a large limp cat, like a mountain lion.  I thought I picked it up and threw it away.  This was a spiritually demonic dream, and real at the same time.
It may not have been a dream. One time years ago after I started studying the Bible in earnest, I was in bed, but not asleep. They pinned me down so I could not move or breathe. I had to scream in my mind for Jesus to make them stop. I was terrified. Finally, before I would have passed out, Jesus did make them stop. Whew!

Marilyn Agee
Carolyn G (14 Jan 2011)
"T.V. show "V" is Demonic"

Hello Doves,
It was almost 2 weeks ago when I watched the 3 hours of "V" which was the summary of the previous season's programming.  The season premier was coming on the follow Tuesday.
The program seemed to be so prophetic for the days that may be coming up that I thought it would be great to watch.  It was a program of good in their attempt to overcome evil.
So I watched it that Tuesday night.  This program seemed to be especially spiritually demonic.  Even the advertisements seemed to be so evil.  I did not have a good feeling about it.  I told friends I would not be watching it again.
For several days right after that I would wake up with a stomach ache, sometimes quite severe.  I kept wondering what was wrong.  I would also have scary evil dreams.  Every time I did my mind would go to that TV program.  Even during the day I would have fearful fleeting moments.
Then early this past Tuesday morning I had those same evil feelings.  I was sort of half asleep and half awake.  I thought, "what is it?"  Then I felt a strong force on my stomach.  It was like I was strapped to the bed and couldn't move.  With my hand I was trying to push it off, but it wouldn't move.  It was pressing down on my stomach.  With all of my might I was trying to yell, "No!  Stop!  Go away!"  But I couldn't seem to make a sound.  I started twisting and trying to get away.  It finally left.  I thought that I got up and then looked back to see what it was.  I saw what looked like a large limp cat, like a mountain lion.  I thought I picked it up and threw it away.  This was a spiritually demonic dream, and real at the same time.
So as soon as possible after I got up I found my anointing oil.  I went through the whole house anointing things in every room, quoting scriptures and casting the demons out in the name of Jesus!  Yes, it worked.  The name of Jesus is above every other name.  There have been no more nightmares, stomach aches or evil thoughts.  PTL!
By the way, be careful what you watch on TV.