M.A.P. (13 Jan 2011)

Dear John & Doves,

Has anyone else been viewing the GREAT AWAKENING "REVIVAL" with Rodney Howard-Brown that's been airing nightly on CTN the last couple of weeks?

I'd like to know the Doves' thoughts on this ministry.  I watched the Great Awakening Tour when Pastor Rodney was traveling through many of the States a couple of years ago and I was so excited about what was happening with this soul-winning tour.

They were scheduled to come to Colorado where I live and it was my only hope to get to one of these conferences to get the fire.  Then at the last minute they cancelled their tour to my state and I was crushed!  I will never get a chance to go to Florida where his church & ministry are.

Now they are back after being overseas for awhile, and airing indefinitely on CTN, but I don't think they are currently touring the country.  I was just wondering if anybody else had gotten a chance to visit this church or had been in any of his tours, traveled with him, or had any thoughts or experiences with Pastor Rodney's ministry and the fire of God and the apparent impartation of laughter/joy that people receive in this ministry?

Thanks for any response.
