Lynnette (22 Jan 2011)
"Mary Adams/ Frank M./ Jan M./  all Doves"


Dear Mary, I am living in the PROMISED LAND of GOD's WORD more & more. One of HIS Promises I confess is  
 " Romans 8 :28...all things work together for good, to them  who LOVE the LORD & are called according to HIS purpose"  
I love the LORD  and this earlier note of yours - was a well timed word for me- while I was in the idst of a situation-- and though it was not openly directed to me- it made reference to  Brother K.P> Yohannan here
I referred to it the other day here

God knows us best- He knew that quote would be what I needed  !! We can trust HIS heart of Love towards us always!

The enemy may try to bring confusion, mistakes or just try & use any of us against each other- yet everything is
not always as it first appears. GOD wills, and continues to frustrate & defeat the enemy's efforts and work
HIS own plan for us , HIS family !
Dialogue between Frank & you brought a message "on its back" to me :-)  I thank GOD for you, Frank, Jan,
John & all  Doves.
We are all part of HIS BeLoved family & love HIM,

Also, thanks Jan for your mention "Great Almighty God Created us, all in Love, and still love us, so let's turn back
and do it He's way ! " It is another good message carried & delivered to me from HIM  "on the back" of these conversations
posted here :-) Lynnette