Kevin Heckle (14 Jan 2011)
"My Comments on Robert Rose’s “Science vs. the Holy Bible”"


My Comments on Robert Rose’s “Science vs. the Holy Bible”


You asked, “Can you be a Bible believing Christian and have fanatical scientific views?” First of all, what ‘what fanatical scientific views’ do you mean?

If the scientific viewpoint is a testable, provable model of our reality, how can being a Bible-believing Christian and believing the scientific viewpoint be mutually exclusive?

Did you know that an atheist coined the term ‘Big Bang Theory’ and why he called it that?   

Did you know that God did not create the sun, moon and stars on the fourth day?  I don’t believe the Bible says that exactly.

Genesis 1:1 says that God created the heaven and the earth, meaning both definitely existed yet verse 2 says the earth had no form and was void.  What exactly does that mean?  On what creation day did earth have form, no longer void?

Would you be willing to privately (e-mail) and calmly reason with me and ‘prove all things’ that you feel are fanatical scientific viewpoints?

In Christ,

Kevin Heckle

My additional commentary: (for what its worth)

I find it odd this notion of science verses the Word of God.  Science is only an endeavor to prove any certain truth or explanation by systematically collecting and organizing knowledge about that subject in such a way to form hypothesis.  When that hypothesis’ prediction stands up to rigorous testing and it becomes clear that the result always matches the prediction, it becomes law or undeniable truth.  This systematic process can be and is applied to the Bible, known as theology.  There are fallible persons in every ‘-logy’, including the study of God.

The Word of God is infallible.  It is truth in the purest sense because He is truth.  He is the Word.  It is impossible for God to lie or be the author of ANY illusion.  That is part of the fundamental nature of God.  The Author of the Word and the Creator of the Cosmos are indeed one and the same.  The Word and the Cosmos will reflect the other’s certain truths.  There are His laws written, fundamental principles of His Word and His laws embedded as fundamental principles of the His Cosmos.  To argue against God’s laws in either case is, well an argument with God. 

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

I’m reminded of Paul’s dark mirror in 1 Corinthians 13.  Early mirrors were made of polished metal or obsidian.  Both reflected what the Greek terms as an enigma or obscure and warped semblance of the original image.  Mirrors of flat glass, coated with a thin layer of metal were invented during Paul’s time, during the first century in Sidon (Lebanon).  The new technology offered man the first accurate reflection of himself, not warped by a ripple on a pool or wrinkle in brass.  For the first time he could know his own face as well as other people knew his face.  Mirrors of brass and obsidian became obsolete.  Silver or gold-backed glass sheets offered a new, more complete understanding.

The essence of 1st Corinthians 13 though, for the most part, is positing that brotherly love is essential and superior to great knowledge.  Without it, there is very little profit in proving truth as the alternate world-view proponent only becomes an enemy combatant instead of a cherished friend.     

God’s love never fails and will remain as steadfast as His truths and Word.  We should aspire and achieve charity, continuing even when the love isn’t returned.  Man’s faulty hypotheses (prophecies) will fail; the mistranslations (tongues) about God’s Word and His Creation shall cease; today’s perspective and knowledge will vanish away as did the craft of obsidian mirror making, it is obsolete and forgotten.

Our truest knowledge is limited (13:9) and we hypothesize about the rest that we aren’t sure of.  Nevertheless (13:10) when conjecture is established as certain truth (perfect) our previous understanding or perception is rendered deficient and powerless to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Paul was a proponent of the scientific method:

1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 Despise not prophesyings (prediction, guess, speculation, etc.), Prove ALL things (test every aspect of a hypothesis) and hold fast (retain) that which is good (genuine fact).    

1 Corinthians 13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity (biased judgment), but rejoice in the truth.