Jan Mikael (8 Jan 2011)
"Already on the Third Day in Creation, God revealed the Plan of He's !"

In Genesis 1: 14-18.v. on the third day in Creation, the Almighty God told us about the plan of He's, when He let the light from the sun rule the day, and the light from the moon rule the night, and seperated the Light from the darkness !
Later our Almighty God said about Jesus, the light He sent to Earth: this is My Beloved Son, listen to, and follow Him. Remember Jesus was the One and Only Born Son of God, - John 3:16.v. now also accepted of God, as the 'First Born New Human Being' Rom. 8: 29.v. so Jesus now is 'True God and True Man' !
God accepted Jesus as the First born New Human Being, Jesus followed the will of God's, when He was baptized by John, so the Almighty through Jesus can change us all to a New Creation, in the Image of Jesus, as the Brethren of  Jesus Christ. - Hebrew 2: 7-18.v. and Rom. 8: 28-29.v.
On the Mountain with John, Peter and Jacob. - the word's from God to the disciples was: Follow and obey Jesus - so thise word's are given to us to !

Praise for ever to our Great loving God, the Almighty, our Father in Jesus Christ our Lord and King, - John 1:12-14.v. and Hebrew 2:7-18.v.
How the word from God work ? - read in Isaiah 55:11.v. - Jesus is the Word from God, the Light from God, the Bread from God who on the Cross on Golgatha, fulfilled the plan of the Almighty God's, - Praise the Lord !

Jesus the One-Born Son of the Great God, - and the First Born New Man, - Halleluja
Praise the Lord, we belong to and wait for Him to come, let's with help from the Holy Spirit, be prepared for Hi's comming, washed clean in the Blood of Jesus, God's Chosen Lamb, and stand firm in Jesus Christ, as the Philadelphian Brothers did, - Rev. 3: 7-13.v. - until
Jesus Christ the Bright Shining Morning-Star rise's in our heart, 2. Peter 1: 17-21.v.
Glory and Worship, Praise and Love to our Great God for ever !

In the love from Jesus our Lord and King, - Maranatha, ybic, Jan Mikael, Dk.