The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.


WWW Five Doves

12 Jan 2011

Ecc 5:12  The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.

Name Message
John Clark prayer request
Phil Toowoomba, Qld, hit by wall of water
Pineman Michael Westphall - James A. Michener's "Hawaii"
Rene re: Curtiss - 11111
Bob Ware Three more anomalies for the date 1.11.11
Robert Rose Science vs God's Holy Word
Amanda To:  Cris regarding your wife's dream - small message from the Lord
Mike Curtiss Wow, Patty Hayes (10 Jan 2011)  & Ernie
Shelva Sirry To Gwendolyn Casey re: Your Guardian Angel
Shelva Sirry To Ricardo Osuna re: Prophecy Given In April
Steve Coerper Re:  "The Cross in Our Bodies"
Suzi Thank You Fay re: LDS stuff
Suzi Article on Glenn Beck's new book
Colin Purification Then Rapture
Tim Bruce BG Ellis "born of water"
Tina Abrams To Suzi- (Paul N.F.)
Tina Abrams To Firecharger
Rose Are You Feeling It???
Wendy Amazing! 11 Year-Old Reveals Jesus Throughout the Entire Bible!
Will Schumacher psalm 119:119 and 411 + 503
Will Schumacher 119 +411 again
Robin Wester Pray for Australia
Paul Wilson abortion numbers expanded
Richard Earthquake Dream
Jan Mikael Let's walk with our God. - Psalms chpt. 1:1-6.v.
Jan Mikael In Jehovah have I put my Trust. - Psalms chpt. 11:1-7.v.
Jan Mikael Unto Thee, Jehovah, will I sing Psalms. - Psalms chpt. 101:1-8.v.
Jan Mikael I will celebrate Jehovah with my whole Heart, in the Counsil of the upright, and in the Assembly. - Psalms chpt. 111:1-10.v.
Jan Mikael Re to:  "The Cross in Our Bodies"
Jean Stepnoski Reply for John B: The Book of Revelation: Chapter 22:18
Elliot Hong Re: Jan Mikael, The Birth in the Danish Royal Family & the Rapture
Ernie Glenn B
Fay Glenn B Interview
Fay Jan Mikael
Donna Danna THE RAPTURE AND/OR 2ND COMING IN 2013, 2015, OR 2016?
Mercer The All Seeing Eye.......Inspired and a must listen
David Schultz The Dance of Moloch (Part 1): The Physically Aborted
Lynnette Bird, Fish deaths.
Marilyn Agee Bruce Baber (3 Jan 2011) "To MIKE CURTIS RE JOSEPH & JESUS"
Edwina My Thoughts on the Prophetic Clock!
Cindi Humble Yourself And Pray
BG Ellis Dream about the destruction of Texas and the USA in January!
Charles Landis What does this all mean?
Kevin Drake Two weeks to go!
Kent Crumpler Enter Into The Lord's Rest
Clay Cantrell 1945 the year of the A-bombs, Strong's #s

11 Jan 2011: No letters. :(

10 Jan 2011

Ecc 5:2  Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

Name Message
Paul N.F. Our Moral Climate,  Does Not Encourage Faith
Jim Bramlett More comparison with Noah's day
Phil Christchurch to Arthur's Pass National PArk
Robert Erives 2011-year of the rapture
Wendy Dead Birds Bringing the Doom in 2011
Simon Fish-Birds-Beginning-End
Jennie Re: KML
Suzi To Paul NF
Suzi To Mike Curtiss re: Fay (7 Jan 2011)
Paul Wilson Whoa! turtle doves fall from sky
Patty Hayes Mike Curtis & Ernie
Patty Hayes Karl and questions
Patty Hayes Response talk from CNN, ABC and Fox News
Mike Curtiss Mortal 9mm Wound? Report: Rep. Giffords 'Woke from anesthesia, spoke to people, recognized husband'
Mike Curtiss More About 11111
Mike Curtiss Jim H (8 Jan 2011) Tetrads
Mike Curtiss Prophetic Links Abound in Congresswomans Murder
Jan Mikael Re. to Elliot Hong about 1/11/11 - and the twins born in the Danish Royal Family, Saturday 8.1.2o1o.
Jan Mikael May our Great God say soon to us: Be Ligth, like on the third day in Creation !
Jan Mikael The Cross in Our Bodies
John B Have you considered writing a letter to your friends and relatives that may be "left behind"??
John B Another "new" sign?!!
Fay Glenn B
Fay Masons & Mormons
Kevin Heckle Bible's Job 38 Predicts Earthquakes?
Gina McCray Forgotten people-CHILLING!
Jean Stepnoski Grand Finale and Beginning: Jubilee Begun on Nisan 1
Jim H Strategic Perspectives Conference with Chuck Missler
Cris Possible raptue timeline?
Nando Kevin Heckle a possible answer to the three solar eclipses
Gerald Nicholl Rapture in 2011?
Kay Gifts of the Spirit Thru the Tabernacle
Mary Brown Very Odd
Michael Westphall RE: Pineman; James A. Michener's "Hawaii"
John RP Judgment Day - 2,011,111 ?
Leslie Fain Re Gods Calendar
Ricardo Osuna death of birds and fish!! a prophecy was given in april 2010 from God for this event
Sabrina I Am Coming! Part XXXIV
Bob Ware Jesus Christ and 1.13.2011 > the 'LAST DAY' of 2010 on the Julian calendar
Gwendolyn Casey To: Shelva Sirry: Re: Gwendolyn : My Dream"
David Schultz Armor of Light
Don Henry Where does it says 7 YEARS tribulation ?
Joe Chappell Psalm 111  and 2011

BG Ellis (VIDEO) Are you ready?  VIdeo of the rapture of the church.
BG Ellis (URL) Ask JESUS Into Your Heart
Firecharger (VIDEO) The 2nd Coming Prophesied for 2018 in Psalm 118?
Mary Anna (URL) Germany sinkhole

Letters (7 - 9 Jan 2010)
Letters (4 - 6 Jan 2010)
Letters (1 - 3 Jan 2010)
Letters (31 Dec 2010)