Fay (7 Jan 2011)
"Suzi re Wolf in Sheeps Clothing"

Hi John, Suzi and Doves,
I couldn't agree with you more regarding Glenn Beck. Fox News is a sister channel to our Sky News in UK and we get the majority of Fox news. I was completely taken in at first. Beck sounded like the fresh voice of reason amidst an increasingly deteriorating world. Then came the Mormon stuff! If you Google for images of the "G" that freemasons use as a big part of their symbolism, it is exactly the same "G" that Glenn Beck's logo incorporates.
Beck's "G" is incorporated with a "B" but overlaps so that the "B" looks more like the number 3. He then has 3 crescent shapes emanating out either side of the logo (6 altogether). It sounds like neurosis but.....this gives us the 3 3 3 of the masons with the "G" in the middle. Reading a CNN report on top prophetic stuff for 2011, the top spokesperson for the Mormons was quoted as saying that Mormon's are responsible for getting the Republicans into power. They apparently have an issue with a Fox News contributor (can't remember his name) who has presidential ambitions. This chap, apparently, had some harsh words to say about some high profile Mormon. They (Mormons) are expecting an apology.
It makes perfect sense that Glenn Beck is part of the AC agenda. He has become hugely powerful - has a very successful platform (you don't get more exposure than television) and is deliberately presenting himself as a man of the people. What a brilliant piece of deception. He is a very powerful, dangerous man. Watch as he climbs into politics. OR, watch as he starts promoting some other person for the role of president of USA. If Glenn Beck is advocating someone, people are going to listen and follow. Glenn Beck has become the voice of the saving of America!! Methinks I smell a False Prophet coming along.
God Bless you all
In Jesus' Beloved Name