Fay (15 Jan 2011)
"Mariel re Loneliness"

Dear John, Mariel and Doves,
Please forgive me if I've got the wrong person and name. I've searched through the archives of Dove letters and cannot find the post that this letter is referring to. You mentioned that it's been two long years of loneliness, since your beloved husband - and obvious soul mate - was taken. I believe that one of the worst possible things that can happen to us - as human beings - is the devastation of loneliness. How utterly heartbreaking for you.
You know who you are, sweet child of God. Please know that your predicament has not gone unnoticed. The LORD is watching your every step. You are LOVED - completely. Your Father God is with you in each and every second of your pain. Know also, that the LORD pushed me to write this post. In the hurly burly of life, whilst trying to prove our own points, we forget the widows and people in pain. God doesn't though. I even dreamt about you last night. The Almighty Father God is with you. Pray for whatever you need. God is faithful. He WILL provide.
God Bless you all
In Jesus' Beloved Name