Elliot Hong (14 Jan 2011)
"Another Clue of the Loyalty Island Earthquake"

Dear Doves:
Clues are keep coming!
As I mentioned, the 7.3 earthquake near New Caledonia(The Island closest to Heaven) on the day of Christmas was a clear clue
to me that the time will be extended a little longer, but not too long.
There is no doubt that a prophetic word John Lawler received from the Lord on Dec.30 was an important clue too.
Then, another clue came out that a beautiful girl who was born on the day of 911 was sacrificed on 1/8.
I believe it's a 10 day warning , for it's been 10 years since 911 and 10 days from 1/8 is the first full moon after the total Lunar
Eclipsce on the Winter Solstice.
And another clue was discovered that some Orthodox Churches still observe the old calendar Epiphany and the Christmas season
is extended to 1/19.
I wrote that this extension of the Christmas season is the design of G-d and He wants to see the faith of His children.
Then, the 7.3 earthquake occurred on 1/13 near Loyalty Island in Vanuatu region which is not far from New Caledonia.
In John B's post on 1/10, he wrote: I became a little "flushed" in the spirit when I read that the prior name for Vanuatu was....
New Hebrides.  Do you know anyone who is expecting to be a "new bride" to someone whose name we have to capitalize when
we use it as "He"??  I am excited...how about you???
Clues are overwhelming!
Do we need more?
Let's keep the Faith and the Loyalty until the Blessed Hope will come true soon!

                                                                                            ~ Earthquake ~

Mag 7.3 Loyalty Islands
[Vanuatu region, Australia]
Shallow Depth 7.2 km

Magnitude 7.3 (Preliminary magnitude — update expected within 15 minutes)
  • Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 16:16:40 UTC
  • Friday, January 14, 2011 at 03:16:40 AM at epicenter
Location 20.700°S, 168.700°E
Depth 7.2 km
  • 124 km (77 miles) NE (43°) from Tadine, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia
  • 143 km (89 miles) SSW (204°) from Isangel, Vanuatu
  • 291 km (181 miles) NE (54°) from NOUMEA, New Caledonia
  • 1762 km (1095 miles) ENE (68°) from Brisbane, Australia
Location Uncertainty Error estimate not available
Parameters NST= 27, Nph= 27, Dmin=137.7 km, Rmss=1.7 sec, Gp= 68°,
M-type="moment" magnitude from initial P wave (tsuboi method) (Mi/Mwp), Version=1