Edwina (31 Jan 2011)

Dear Clay,
Have you seen and heard of the Revival called The Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival, yjay began in July last year in Mobile, Alabama?
You can watch it on-line at www.Godtv/thebay the Evangelist is called Nathan Morris and is greatly enpowered by the Holy Spirit.
There have been incredible miracles both in mind, body and spirit. Nathan really is a powerful Preacher and is really genuine.
I personally have been greatly rejuvinated ( I have been struggling with Chronic Fatigue, and fighting cancer.)....and have thrown away most of my medication!! I am beginning to gain strength and it's all because of Jesus Christ and the working of the holy Spirit. I highly recommend that you spend some time listening to the Arcrive and receive what God is doing.
Be Blessed and I will hold you in my prayers also.
With Love in Jesus, Edwina.