Donna Danna (15 Jan 2011)

In my 12/30 post called IS THE RAPTURE DATE BASED ON THE #37  FOUND IN JESUS CHRIST 2368? at I reemphasized what Clay Cantrell had stated that the Lord Jesus Christ personally associates himself with the #37 since the Greek gematria for his name JESUS 888 + CHRIST 1480 = 2368 which is divisible by the #37 since 37 x 64 = 2368.  I then said that the question is will the date of the rapture - resurrection also be associated with the #37 which is the Lord's personal #.  I then went on to give some future dates that were divisible by the #37 with Easter Sunday, 20130331, being one of them. 
The reason why I am wondering if this particular date of 20130331 will be the date of the rapture or not is because if the date of 20130331 is divided by JESUS CHRIST 2368, it equals 8500 with a remainder of 2331.  The remainder of 2331 = 3 X 777.  The significance of #777 is that In Greek, resurrection is written "h anastasiV", numbering 777 = 8+1+50+1+200+300+1+200+10+6.  This information can be found at a number of sites on the internet.  Also in Bonnie Gaunt's book Jesus Christ: The Number of His Name, she gives a list of numbers that are divisible by the #37.   One of the things that she lists about the #777 (37 X 21) on page 186 of her book is that 777 = "I have raised him up" in Hebrew. (Isaiah 45:13).  Also the interesting thing about 3 X 777 = 2331 (37 X 63) is that on page 192, the number 2331 = "This Jesus hath God raised up" in Greek.  (Acts. 2:32)  And of course, she also lists Jesus Christ as 2368 (37 X 64) in Greek as well.  So the numbers 777 and 2331 both have to do with resurrection.
So the entire date of 20130331 divided by 37 = 544,063, or 20130331 divided by JESUS CHRIST 2368 = 8500 remainder 2331 (777 X 3) or JESUS CHRIST 2368 x 8500 = 20128000 + the remainder 2331 (777 X 3) = 20130331.  Since both #2331 and #777 have to do with the Resurrection, I am wondering if the Rapture-Resurrection of believers by Jesus Christ (2368) will be on Easter Sunday, 20130331 or not?