Dewey (31 Jan 2011)
"Re Amanda & Kent Crumpler store/ food"

Hi Kent & Hi Amanda, this is not a word of correction, rather my understanding of
what the Lord gave to me over 4 years time regarding preparations & events to come
and steps to take.
As I awoke one morning in Jan 2008 the Lord put a sense of a question as in a awareness of likely events where I live.  I live in the Greater East Bay Area Region
of California, between Oakland, and Stockton, right between them.  I had a sense
of this question:  How many ways are available to you ( Me ) to  use to get out of here if the BIG ONE went down here ( SFO / East Bay Area earthquake, ITS HAPPENED BEFORE ) ?? I promptly ran the locations of the major highways around my home and as to which of them would likely be useless ( jammed ) and which would likely be open. There are more than 5 major highways, but all but 2 would be useless ( !! ) in an event west of my town.  And those 2 highways would only work IF the Delta didn't drop or raise up ! Historicaly they have happened westwards.
So I gave consideration to how to depart from my home should such an event occur.
About 3 months later driving around a corner in my town, The Lord plainly said : When The Big One hits, there will be a wave of riff raff ( my use of not so descriptive
words ) pouring into this area.  He meant the sorts of people who take advantage of
disasters to loot, steal rape murder etc. I took this to heart and shared it with my
family, who mostly politely listened and turned it off.  Many of these types already
have moved out here for other reasons, upping the crime rate alot.
Last year, june, as I was driving home from a short visit to the local sportsmen range
the Lord plainly told me to began to " PREPARE AN OFFENSIVELY PREPARED
DEFENSE " for my family and home. Of course I wanted a good understanding of
what to do and how to understand it.  I was already keeping a small food storage
plan just for short term measures ( i.e. the earthquake issue potential where I live )
and have a couple of devices used for self protection at close access at home.  I told
Him I live in an apartment, I can only put away so much storage.  Get started where
you are and I will take care of you getting into a house later. 
So I did, adding to my food and medicines materials, propane cyls, simple outside
stoves, and quick access travel bags with clothes, simple tools, meds, ponchos, the
most simple food rations for like 2-3 days etc. And of course several approaches to
self and family defense not considered before. At this point I would like to point you
folks to the reccomendations Bro Perry Stone has made recently.  Prepare for upsets
possibly lasting 1-2 weeks maybe longer.  Call his ministry for additional details if
you care to read more.
So why am I posting this reply to Kent & Amanda ?  2011 is as the Lord said to me
last fall, oct-nov 2010:  " 2011 is going to be a heavy duty year."  Look around you
bros and sisters, Haiti last year, floods last year and this year in Pakistan, Australia
and even in parts of the south USA last year, SEVERE winter weather in Europe and
in the eastern USA, with more to come.  Tuscon, Moscow airport, Tunisia, next Egypt
and Jordan, and Yemen also.  More to come folks and we will still be here for awhile
and YES, get the Lord's Word in your heart and head, speak it to your life's issues,
and remember in Proverbs we are told to prepare.
So do as you see fit, we are still going to be here awhile, and heavy events will occur and unfold, the Mid East right now is appearing to be shaping up into the process
that will result in Psalm 83 and Obadiah and Psalm 15 and 17 going down, with you
and I watching some of it on TV and the internet.  If the oil price issues get outa
control, fill up your car and truck and try not to use them un necessarily, and if a Big
One quake hits near you, the grocery stores will likely be outa food supplies in short
order.  If the power grid goes down even for 3-4 days in a large area, chaos could
result in short order. I have been personaly instructed to prepare, and am continuing to do so. 
I still look for and believe for the Rapture to occur before the Trib, just its gonna be
Bless you Doves