Carol Garza (15 Jan 2011)
"RE: "V"--the TV show"

Dear Friend,
I am certain those of us who watch the show agree it is demonic in nature..yet prophetic with regards to these last days we are living in.  I don't recommend people watch it just for 'fun' or 'entertainment'.  That said, I apply the Blood of Jesus on myself, my household, my family, friends, loved ones every single day. I have for years and years.  I truly believe there is Wonder working Power in the Blood of the Lamb.
When I first got saved, I was living in a 'hippy' like environment back in the 70s.  By the end of the week of my initial salvation, I was moving out to live with Christians.  My Christian friends who came to pick me up immediately began to pray "LORD JESUS, sprinkle Your Blood in this house."  I did not know what that meant but that prayer left an impression on me for the rest of my life.  As I grew stronger in the Lord, I learned about the Power of the Cleansing Blood of Jesus.  I have studied the scriptures profusely on the Blood of the Lamb.  It is the Tool that truly frightens and keeps the Evil one and his minions away from us. 
Recently I read a book by a Christian author L.A. Marzulli on UFO abductions.  The book mostly contained reports given by abductees.  It is called "The Alien Interviews".  One person wrote this: There is no way to fight them. They control your mind and your body.  Even when I prayed to God to make them stop, nothing happened. 
I pondered on the thought this person did not call on the Name of our LORD Jesus nor did this person apply the Blood of Jesus on him.  
Then I came across another account by a different person.  In this account  the person wrote: I kept saying "The Blood of Jesus.  The Blood of Jesus.  Your Blood has power."  He wrote that was his weapon against Satan and that the scriptures was what caused it to go away.
See.  Praying to 'God' did not have Power over the first person's horrific encounter.  Why? Because the Power is in the Name of Yeshua and in His Precious Blood.
IMHO, too many Christians live without Victory in their lives because they don't call upon the Name which is above every name "JESUS.  LORD JESUS." and apply His Precious Blood on them. Acts 4:12 tells us there is no other Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.  And John 4:16 tells us JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No man (person) can come to the Father but THROUGH Him.
We can't take the Name of Jesus for granted nor the power of His precious Blood.
To my knowledge I have not had a 'UFO' encounter but like you, I have had unseen demonic forces approach me maybe 5 - 6 times as a Christian.  Each time I felt the evil presence I would say "Lord Jesus, sprinkle Your Blood on me and in this room, in my house."  The evil presence immediately left.  All but one time.  In one occasion, I was in a deep sleep when I was somewhat awakened by a HUGE EVIL entity standing next to my by my bed.  It was trying to choke me.  I never saw it but I felt this presence was different from the others because of its' nearness to my body.  I could not speak.  But with my heart and with my mind, I began to say "Jesus. Jesus.  Jesus."  The thing started to release its' choke hold on my throat.  I then began to whisper "Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus.  Lord Jesus"...the thing started moving further away from me at which time I began to YELL " LORD JESUS !  LORD JESUS!  LORD JESUS!"  I continued saying "LORD JESUS!  Sprinkle YOUR BLOOD ON ME !"
The monstrous HUGE demon left after this.  This was the only time a demon took 'long' to leave my presence.  But I don't think it was an 'ordinary' demon if there is even such a thing.  This was a very powerful demon.  It was also the last time an 'unseen' demon has gotten near me. 
The closer we get to our Glorious Departure to meet our Beloved Redeemer, King and Lord in the air along with the dead in Christ who will have risen up moments before us, the darker the days are becoming. 
You did EXCELLENT in anointing your house and speaking scriptures.  That 'dream' and those uncomfortable feelings from the pit of hell you experienced were overcome by the power of the Word of God ! And while I'm sure you knew the power of the Word of God (and the Blood of Jesus) you truly experienced the Victorious POWER from speaking the Word of God.
As a reminder to all of us, including myself, we must be equipped with the FULL ARMOUR OF GOD at all times as Ephesians 6 tells us for we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but we are wrestling against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We fight the good fight with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and with the BLOOD of the LAMBRevelation 12 tells us WE overcame him (the devil & minions) by the BLOOD of the LAMB and by the WORD of our testimony...(JESUS).
If you are not led to watch the show, don't.  Listen carefully and closely to the Voice of the Holy Spirit.  When the Holy Spirit tells me to stop watching it, I WILL !  HIS WILL be done !
Thus far, the show is explaining to me how as it was in the days of Noah so shall it is today & getting there. Chuck Missler, Perry Stone, L.A. Marzulli explain these events using the Word of God with much clarity.
Those fallen angels who mixed their wicked seed with 'man' by getting women pregnant also gave sinful man the power to invent technology.  Today, we can't keep up with the electronic gadgets !  The great deception of Satan will come with signs and lying wonders.  And the world is getting prepared for that.
The TV show "V" is practically 'warning' people of what is to come !  Sadly most people are watching it as a show of 'entertainment'.  Even when I'm watching it, I don't stop praying. As the DAY is approaching let us continue to run the race with endurance fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author, Finisher and Perfector of our Faith. 
Thank You Lord Jesus for Your Precious Blood that cleanses us, covers us, protects us and purges our consciences from dead works to serve the Living God.  (Hebrews 9:14)  Thank You that it is by Your Blood and the WORD of our testimony the enemy, Satan & his minions are defeated.  To God be all the Glory, Honor and Praise forevermore!
Carol Garza
Carolyn G (14 Jan 2011)
"T.V. show "V" is Demonic"

Hello Doves,
It was almost 2 weeks ago when I watched the 3 hours of "V" which was the summary of the previous season's programming.  The season premier was coming on the follow Tuesday.
The program seemed to be so prophetic for the days that may be coming up that I thought it would be great to watch.  It was a program of good in their attempt to overcome evil.
So I watched it that Tuesday night.  This program seemed to be especially spiritually demonic.  Even the advertisements seemed to be so evil.  I did not have a good feeling about it.  I told friends I would not be watching it again.
For several days right after that I would wake up with a stomach ache, sometimes quite severe.  I kept wondering what was wrong.  I would also have scary evil dreams.  Every time I did my mind would go to that TV program.  Even during the day I would have fearful fleeting moments.
Then early this past Tuesday morning I had those same evil feelings.  I was sort of half asleep and half awake.  I thought, "what is it?"  Then I felt a strong force on my stomach.  It was like I was strapped to the bed and couldn't move.  With my hand I was trying to push it off, but it wouldn't move.  It was pressing down on my stomach.  With all of my might I was trying to yell, "No!  Stop!  Go away!"  But I couldn't seem to make a sound.  I started twisting and trying to get away.  It finally left.  I thought that I got up and then looked back to see what it was.  I saw what looked like a large limp cat, like a mountain lion.  I thought I picked it up and threw it away.  This was a spiritually demonic dream, and real at the same time.
So as soon as possible after I got up I found my anointing oil.  I went through the whole house anointing things in every room, quoting scriptures and casting the demons out in the name of Jesus!  Yes, it worked.  The name of Jesus is above every other name.  There have been no more nightmares, stomach aches or evil thoughts.  PTL!
By the way, be careful what you watch on TV.
I did not have a good feeling about it.  I told friends I would not be watching it again.
For several days right after that I would wake up with a stomach ache, sometimes quite severe.  I kept wondering what was wrong.  I would also have scary evil dreams.  Every time I did my mind would go to that TV program.  Even during the day I would have fearful fleeting moments.
Then early this past Tuesday morning I had those same evil feelings.  I was sort of half asleep and half awake.  I thought, "what is it?"  Then I felt a strong force on my stomach.  It was like I was strapped to the bed and couldn't move.  With my hand I was trying to push it off, but it wouldn't move.  It was pressing down on my stomach.  With all of my might I was trying to yell, "No!  Stop!  Go away!"  But I couldn't seem to make a sound.  I started twisting and trying to get away.  It finally left.  I thought that I got up and then looked back to see what it was.  I saw what looked like a large limp cat, like a mountain lion.  I thought I picked it up and threw it away.  This was a spiritually demonic dream, and real at the same time.
So as soon as possible after I got up I found my anointing oil.  I went through the whole house anointing things in every room, quoting scriptures and casting the demons out in the name of Jesus!  Yes, it worked.  The name of Jesus is above every other name.  There have been no more nightmares, stomach aches or evil thoughts.  PTL!
By the way, be careful what you watch on TV.