Nansings (23 Feb 2025)
"NDE 2/2/25 - Shown Shocking Truth About the Antichrist – What Jesus Revealed"

     At the beginning of the Covid crisis information was shared about a woman on the committee that was pushing the *mRNA vaccines (so-called).  After taking the jab she mentioned that the part of her brain that was once sensitive to God was now numb.  She no longer desired to pray to -- or think about -- God.  That's one of many dangers in taking the mRNA vaccines (so-called).
    "So called" because it is not really a vaccine in the conventional sense.  Instead, it is a "genetically-engineered bioweapon" developed by the Chinese to kill their enemies in WWIII and desired by Fauci/Gates who are depopulation proponents.  The mRNA in it is also being used by its creators to prepare those who survive the jabs to accept the antichrist when he arrives on the world scene as they will no longer be conscious of the real God. 
    People don't want to believe they are being deceived.  They accept new technology without question.  Their compliance will be masked as harmony.  It is the greatest lie ever told! 