Dear Nansings,
After I did unbiased research on the "Born Again" versus "New Creation" issue I was, and to a certain extent, still flummoxed by the prevelance of Christians still stuck in the "Born Again" tradition which has no scriptural support except for the Jewish nation.
So, there was no way on this planet that I would have ever thought anything remotely like the issue of Reincarnation could be found on the Fivedoves website.
Seeing that the response to your belief met with the same kind of resistance naturally caught my attention. I did some research on my own, for the most part ignoring the "arguments against" based on tradition, and found this website:
My question to you then is this: If a person accepts the free gift of Salvation as outlined in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 would it be necessary for that person to reincarnate?
Blessings,Mike, "Truth, Not Tradition"