Luis Vega (9 Feb 2025)
"RAPTURE PASSOVER 2025? - Based on the Crucifixion in 32 AD"

The Wedding Wine 4th Cup in the Kingdom

by Luis B. Vega      

One has been getting a lot of Inquiries from Dr. Awe’s Fan-Base as he made the latest Video surmising the possible Rapture Timing and Year, being on Passover, around April 9, (Nisan 14) and in the Year 2025. He referenced one’s Book on the Crucifixion Year being 32 AD, as one calculates it. Well, one will see if the Rapture Timing Theories and Calculations will be realized in 2025. However, one is not entirely convinced of a Passover Rapture Timing. Perhaps, as Passover Calculations have been compelling. As one may know, Dr. Awe and Brother Tyler differ with one’s Rapture's Timing.

Dr. Barry Awe

Based on one’s Calculations, respectfully, the Feast of New Wine is not on the 9th of Av as Dr. Awe and Tyler assert. One’s Rapture Theory is based, not on Passover, but on the Boaz and Ruth end of the Wheat Harvest Timing and the New Wine Understanding. Of course one can be Wrong about the New Wine Theory, the 32 AD Crucifixion Year and the July 23 (723) Leo Astronomical New Year. It is a Triangulation of Circumstantial Evidence, along with corroborating Timelines based on Old Testament Personalities.

It also depends on the Start Date. But others, like Aaron at God a Minute, are now also onboard with a 32 AD Crucifixion Year and possible 2025 Rapture Timing. He believes the Rapture is on ‘Pentecost’ but based on the Tradition Pentecost being on the 1st 50 Day Count. But he may not yet fully comprehend that it is only the 1st Shavuot of the 3 ‘Shavuots’ or (3) 50 Day Counts that have now been corroborated by the Temple Scrolls, etc. Well, everyone is on a ‘Learning Curve’. Then Dr. Awe mentioned Heather R., who has been featured before on the Revelation 12 Daily Blog, for example.

She too calculates a 32 AD Crucifixion Year, although she has arrived at the Year in a different way in how one has. Now Heather R. surmises that Nisan 10 or on April 9, 2025 is when Daniel’s 70th Week ‘must’ occur, according to her Calculations of a Nisan 10 crossing into the Promised Land. She does come across a bit adamite about her Calculations and Charts but so is one. However, in her Research, it means that the Rapture has to occur prior to April 9, 2025, according to her Calculations and Charts. One just does not see that occurring. She did a YouTube Video Response due to Dr. Awe’s Fan-Base also contacting her in that regard. But when asked about the possibility of the New Wine Rapture Timing? She stared-off for a moment, having that ‘Dear in the Head-Lights Look’.

A Lamb to the Slaughter
And then she said emphatically, ‘No’. The Rapture is not on a ‘New Wine’. She initially stated that she knew nothing about it and had never heard of a New Wine Rapture Theory before. One thought, how can she be so sure that the Rapture cannot take place at that Time? However, in all of their cases one is still more convinced in how the Rapture Timing will follow the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest and predicated on the New Wine Understanding. And that it is corroborated by the Leo Astrological New Year.

And that it will prophetically parallel the Typology of Boaz and Ruth. One realizes that the Passover Typology is very strong and compelling too. Others like Stephan of the Revelation 12 Daily Blog, for example have championed this Timeframe of a Passover or Resurrection Timing, either Nisan 14 or Nisan 17. According to the Rabbinical Calendar, Nisan 10 is the Day Jesus entered Jerusalem to be ‘Examined’ by the High Priest, as were the Passover lambs for 4 Days.

Nisan 10 in 2025 occurs on April 9. Interestingly, on a Personal Note, April 9, in one’s Salvation Anniversary. Nisan 14 will be on April 11-12, 2025. However, on the Torah Calendar, it is only 1 Day Off in 2025, from April 12-13, etc.  Also, note that the Solar Calendar has Passover on April 9, 2025. But consider that the LORD’s Supper was technically on Nisan 13, in the Julian Calendar. But it was Technically until the 14th of Nissan stared at Sunset. This was because it was just after the Crucifixion of Jesus and having been taken down and placed in the Garden Tomb in haste.

TYPE                  PASSOVER
Rabbinical Calendar:    April 11-12, 2025
Torah Calendar:         April 12-13, 2025
Solar Calendar:         April 09-10, 2025

This was the occasion of how the Women only placed the Shroud over the Body and the Towel over the Face of Jesus, etc. It was not Nisan 14 just yet in the Jewish Calendar. As noted, that began at Sunset when the Passover Seder was then celebrated with the Passover Lamb. This was the ‘High-Day Sabbath’ as the Passover is considered a Sabbath. This is why the Women then came back with the Spices to anoint and prepare Jesus’ Permanent Burial.

They did not realize that in the interim, the High Priests made a Deal with the Romans to seal-up the Tomb and stand Guard. What Dr. Awe is surmising is that the completion or conclusion of the Passover Seder will occur in Heaven. One wholeheartedly agrees. But will it be the Rapture’s Timing? Will this occur when the Rapture Event happens to come on this LORD’s Supper Anniversary?

Or as others have shared in their Mathematics, the Rapture could be commemorated on the Anniversary of Jesus’ Resurrection instead. There are so many possible Prophetic Typologies to run with. Over the 2024 Christmas Break in which one had visited Family, one always looks forward to discussing End Times Prophecy with Mom. So, we chatted a lot about the possibility of a Passover Rapture Timing. Here is what one rationalized. It could be but based on the Prophetic Typology or Pattern.

The Cup in the Kingdom
It would more appropriately be at the End of that Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Timing instead. Realize that at the LORD’s Supper, was commemorating the Passover Seder the Day before. It was done by those Jews that had to get a Head-Start traveling back to their Home Country. This is how Jesus, as that Man leaving for a Long Journey to a Far-Away Land is the Type.

And the LORD’s Supper is when the Groom and Bride ‘Sealed the Deal’ of a Marriage with the Vow, the Vow of the 4th Cup. In Ancient Jewish Customs, when a Groom and a Bride became Engaged, they had a Meal with Guests and the Cup of Wine was the Motif of their Comment to each other. It was the Promise of a Return.

The Marriage Vows or Contract was celebrated by a Meal and raising a Cup of Wine. The Groom and the Bride would drink from the same Cup of Wine. However, at the Last Supper, Jesus did not raise nor Toast the 4th Cup of Marriage. It is then that the Groom instead departs to make a Room in his Father’s House to then, when completed, come back for the Bride as he summoned her, etc. Realize also that during the Passover Seder, there are 4 Cups. Throughout the Meal, at certain intervals of Time, each of the 4 Cups are lifted and a Toast is made, etc. The 4 Cups are as follows.

1. Cup of Sanctification: To set-apart as in the Exodus that YHVH set Israel Free.

2. Cup of Deliverance: From the Wrath of the Destroying Angel that Passed-Over their Homes.

3. Cup of Redemption: The Cup that instituted the New Covenant, based on Body and Blood.

4. Cup of Marriage: The Cup Jesus would not drink until He comes back for His Bride.

Thus, one postulates that the Rapture Typology and Timing is better suited for when Jesus returns, not as Passover, but once the Commission given to the Wife to Be, the Bride has finished the ‘Harvest of Souls’, as a Ruth in Wheat Fields of Earth. And like a Boaz and Ruth Typology, the Timing strongly then suggests a future Circumstance that surrounds the End of the Wheat Harvest.

And, that would correspond to the Acts 2 Pentecost, which is the 2nd Count of 50 Days from Nisan 15. This puts the Rapture Timeline at approximately then on a July 23 Day Count. This Timeline is also corroborated by the Exodus-Sinai Time-Frame of when the Israelites arrived at the Foot of Mount Sinai.

The Israelites were told to wait and prepare for 3 Days. On the 3rd Day, YHVH proposed to them. Israel said, ‘I Do’. Then YHVH instructed Moses to wait 7 Days in which Time Moses, Joshua and the 70 Elders where consecrated and dined with YHVH in this Presence on that Sapphire Floor. Then thereafter is when Moses went up the Mountain for 30 Days.

A Wheat Wedding
In total, here is the 50 Day count since Sivan 4. One is counting the 40 Days from the Time Moses and the Elders went up to the Cleft of the Rock. Moses never came back down to the Camp. Moses then came down to the Camp on the 50 Day or the 99th Day from Nisan 15. Sadly that Day was the Feast Aaron alerted the Camp to celebrate the Feast with New Wine as they forged the Golden Idol and worshiped it instead of YHVH. So much for being Faithful and a Devoted Wife. The Marriage Contract, now written in Stone, by the very Finger of YHVH given to Moses to have a literal commemoration of their Vow.

Nisan 14: Passover in Egypt. Last Day in Captivity; Jubilee.
Nisan 15: Israelites leave Egypt. The Exodus.
Sivan 04: 10 Days before reaching Sinai was the 1st 50 Day Count.
Sivan 15: Same Day left, 60 Days later arrive at Foot of Sinai.

+ 3 Days - Then YVHH Proposed, Israel said ‘I Do’.
+ 7 Days - Marriage Supper with 70 Elders at the Clift of the Rock.
+ 30 Days - YHVH dictated to Moses the 5 Books or Pentateuch of the Bible .
= Tammuz 23 or July 23 Feast of New Wine and Golden Calf Incident. (2nd 50 Day Count).

But the Tablets were then broken and 3000 Israelites perished that Day due to their Rebellion and Sin. Then in 32 AD, 3000 Israelites were Redeemed during the Acts 2 Pentecost that likewise occurred on the 2nd 50th Day Count, on New Wine. This is why one is more convinced that the Feast of New Wine did not occur on the 9th of Av, which is usually on the 5th Month. The 9th of Av is the occasion of the ‘Bad Report’, based on the 10 Spies that explored the Promised Land for 40 Day, etc.

But since the Acts 2 Pentecost empowering, the Bride’s commemorates this empowerment to fulfill the Commission given to the Church, i.e., the LORD’s Supper. Only the 3rd Cup is Celebrated and toasted. It is really the Anticipation of how the Bride will 1 day celebrate the Marriage Cup, the 4th Cup in the Kingdom, during the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And it is the Time for the New Wine Rapture Timing the Church Body’s Faith will be made into Sight. Perhaps on the Day of a New Wine Feast, she will see her Groom come Riding in the Clouds of Heaven for her to be taken to the Father’s House in Heaven.

It will be for those proverbial 7 Days or 7 Earth Years, corresponding back on Earth, etc. Thus, this is why one is theorizing that an End of a Summer Wheat Harvest, at the Time of the New Wine, First-Fruits will conclude with the Rapture. It will be the occasion of the Groom’s Return for the Wedding to complete the LORD’s Supper, wherein Jesus lifts the 4th Cup of Marriage with the Bride in the Father’s House, in Glory. It will parallel Daniel’s 70th Week, to mirror the 7 Years or 7 Days an Ancient Jewish Wedding Feast.

Here is the Online Link to the Book in PDF Format made available to this Online Community for a Free Download. The Book takes-on a more Philosophical Approach but grounded 1st on Scripture, then Patterns of Prophecy and lastly, Astronomical Signs that provide a ‘Triangulation’ of Evidence.

May you be blessed with the Research. You have one's Permission to forward the Book PDF Link to any-and-all People that could benefit from it as well. One can also purchase a Hard Copy at Lulu Publications.


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