Luis Vega (23 Feb 2025)
"REVELATION 12 SIGN COUNTDOWN: 2029  - A 7 Year Warning"

7-YEAR WARNING 2017-2024
Prophetic Shelf-Life of the Rapture Event?

by Luis B. Vega  

The purpose of this study is to argue that the Revelation 12 Sign, as a Biblical Prophecy is not ‘Done’ just yet. Although the Astronomical Alignment configured back on September 23, 2017, one is more convinced that its literal Fulfillment is yet to occur. And that is when? Based on one’s Research into the Revelation 12 Sign that started in 2008, one surmises that it deals with the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.

In fact, this Revelation 12 Sign is the Intermission of the entire Book of Revelation, in which the 2 Halves hang upon. The literal fulfillment of the Sign has to do with the Remnant of Israel that will survive the 2nd Half of the Tribulation Period. These are the Jews who come to Faith in Jesus after seeing the Betrayal and Blasphemous Decrees of the False Messiah. As with the Religious Leaders of Israel, i.e., the Sanhedrin, they had put their faith in him and not on a ‘Golden Statue’ set-up in the Temple.

It will be like Aaron crafting the Golden Calf in Sinai. What is remarkable is that the False Prophet will mimic the Creation of Adam by YHVH, the AntiChrist with the Magic of the False Prophet will ‘Breath Life’ into the Idol that will make it Sentient. See Revelation 13:15. The initial Signs and Wonders performed by the False Prophet and AntiChrist will fool the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims and the World.

They will cause Fire to come down from Heaven and will promise Humanity ‘Peace and Security’. The Mark of the Beast will come with ‘Miracle Pharmaceuticals’ that will seem as those Miracles performed by Jesus during His Earthly Ministry. The Revelation 12 Sign is about the Woman, i.e., the Remnant of Believing Jews that will experience an Exodus 2.0 as they are led to the Wilderness to be protected.

This will encompass exactly 1260 Days of the 2nd Half of the 7-Year Tribulation Period, i.e., the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Astronomically, it is rather telling why one is convinced that the Revelation 12 Sign is to be fulfilled when it reconfigures, approximately in 2029. One argues that this will be the Mid-Year of the Tribulation. This is due to Jupiter having a 12-Year Orbital Cycle in which the King Planet of the Messiah enters each of the 12 Constellations.

Thus, starting in Mid-April, when Passover occurs, is when the Astronomical Alignment of Jupiter imitates its 9 Month Retrograde Motion within the Metaphorical Womb area of the Constellation of Virgo. Now one realizes that based on Jupiter being in Virgo in 2029, the Time-Frame is also based on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline.

Sign of the Rapture
If the Remnant Jews, now believing in Jesus due to the Witness of the 144,000 Fellow Jewish Brethren and then the 2 Witnesses, which one is more convinced are to be Moses and Elijah, then who is the Manchild that got Raptured? Realize that the Brethren who hyped the Sensationalism of the possible Rapture Timing to have been on September 23, 2017, really only emphasized the Man-Child’s Rapture. And rightly so, as the very Word ‘Harpazo’, which translates to the English Word Rapture, is what occurs to the Man-Child.

As 1 of the Original Researchers of the Revelation 12 Sign, the Notion of the Rapture Event to end the Church Age was plausible, back in 2017, as that was and is the Sign’s Purpose. But as one has coined the following phrase, ‘The Sign is not the Event’, it has safeguard against Sensational Claims. So, in one’s Estimation, the Rapture could not have occurred in 2017 because the Prophecy was a Sign, the Sign of the Rapture of the Man-Child. One would admit that the Metaphor of the Man-Child is to be the Body of Christ, or all those Brethren that are the True Believers and Followers of Jesus.

Thus, Collectively, at the Point in Time of the Harpazo, the Rapture of the Man-Child is precisely what is to occur. Although every Individual, the Dead 1st and then those that remain Alive in that Last Generation are the ones to ‘be Caught-Up’. Together they meet Jesus in that Rendezvous Place. And thereafter the ‘Bride’ will be ushered into the Father’s House. The Bride, as believed by some to be emblematic of the 24 Elders will then take their Seats around the Throne of the Father and of His Lamb, i.e., Jesus.

So, one’s Point is that the Revelation 12 Sign is yet to be Prophetically fulfilled. And that the Occasion will be with the Remnant Believing Jews that will flee to the Wilderness of Petra and of Bosra. This is the Forewarning that Jesus gave to the Disciples, the Representative of the Jewish Believing Remnant of what it would be like during that Mid-Point of Daniel’s Prophecy. Of how it had to do with the Abomination of Desolation that delineates the entire length of the Last Prophetic Week of Years before Jesus returns.

And this is who Jesus will likewise come back to Rescue, but in this case, in a physical and literal manner. This is why Jesus, now coming with the Church Age Believers, i.e., the Bride of Christ, collectively will come to Bosra to save the Remnant Jews. These are the 1/3 that will come through the Fire. It is why Jesus’ White Robes will be dipped in Blood as He rescues the Remnant from pending Danger. It is Lucifer, through the AntiChrist and the False Prophet that seeks to destroy the Remnant Jews that are left.

Next, Jesus heads off to the Valley of Megiddo where the Armies of the Nations are gathered to prevent Jesus from taking back the Earth, Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. This is the Battle of Armageddon. It is only thereafter that Jesus, along with the Bride will finally touch-down on the Mount of Olives, as promised. Until then, the entire Span of the Church Age has been as an Intermission, a Pentecost Intermission. The Pentecost Church Age has been about the pouring-out of the New Wine, as the Feast has been on-going and not completed. It will be when that last Gentile is Saved.

End of the Church Age
That Man or Woman will close-out the Church Age as the Rapture then concludes the Commission given to the 7-Fold Churches of Asia to complete. As in the Military, once a Commission is completed, based on a specific duration of Time, there is then a Separation Process to go through. That is what is to happen at the Rapture. It is a Call to Retreat or ‘Fall-Back’ as in a ‘Departure’ or Apostasia from the War Theatre, etc. To this end, one has continued to research the Revelation 12 Sign and hone the Details as to the 2029 Astronomical and Prophetic fulfillment of it.

One compiled one’s Research into the Book entitled the ‘Revelation 12 Sign: 2029’. There will be an Online Link for more information about it in the End Notes along with a Chart that illustrates the Timeline one is considering, presently. So, what one proposes is that the 2017 Revelation 12 Sign, although not developed by those that sensationalized the Year 2017 as being the Rapture Year, was and is a 7 Year Warning or Countdown to the Rapture. Perhaps, but realize that in 2024, the 7th Year Anniversary was reached.

But for 2025, until September 23 of that Year, is still technically within the 7th Year Time-Frame of counting the Time, as in 7 Years, 6 Months, etc. The 8th Year will not be fully completed until September 24, 2025. This means that the 7-Year Countdown or perhaps the Prophetic Shelf-Life of the Sign is still valid and in-play. This means that indeed, the Rapture Year could very well turn-out to be in 2025, as surmised by one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline and other corroborating Prophetic Patterns. It will remain to be seen.

                                     REVELATION 12 SIGN PROPHECY

Sep 23, 2017                    (7 Year Prophetic Countdown)                      Sep 23, 2025

    |   2018  |   2019   |   2020   |   2021   |   2022   |  2023   |   2024   |   2025   |

But the Revelation 12 Sign sure woke-up a lot of Sleeping Saints. And as with any Prophecy or ‘Revelation’ to be had, the Fallout was rather revealing, if not entertaining sadly. There were those that got Saved as a result. However, this Astronomical Alignment sure stirred the Ire and Wrath of those that seek to rain on anyone’s Parade. One ‘Good’ thing that came out of the Phenomena was that it did spark a Revival of sorts in Biblical Prophecy, or Eschatology. The Word comes from the Greek that means the ‘Study of End Times’, etc.

Notwithstanding, there were others that ‘Lost their Faith’ and stopped ‘Walking with the LORD’ when the Rapture did not occur on September 23, 2017 as the Sensationalists predicted. So much for one’s strength of Faith. One should not be placing one’s Trust, Hopes and Faith on the Rapture, but rather on Jesus. That was and is the Issue and Problem with such Notions of Biblical Prophecy. So, a Sifting of sorts occurred. Perhaps that was warranted. Below will be the Chart where one shows the 7-Year Countdown from the 2017 Revelation 12 Sign. A Segment of 7 Years is also Biblically understood to mean a Completion and a Perfection has been reached.

A Year of Transition and New Beginnings
It depicts how the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017 was and is a 7 Year Countdown to the possible Rapture Year and Timing. This is one’s Working Theory. If so, then the Year 2025 will be an extremely Prophetic Year. So, will 2025 by the Year that the Church Age Commission is to conclude? Will it be the occasion where the Bride of Christ, or rather in this Prophetic Picture, the Body of Christ, i.e., the Man-Child is Raptured-Up? Consider that the Year 2025, reference to the 2017 Revelation 12 Sign is the 8th Year, which in Biblical Terms constitutes New Beginnings. Note the following Theme of what the Number 8 represents.

Meaning of the Number 8

The Number 8 represents a New Beginning, meaning a New Order or Creation, and Man's True ‘Born Again’ Event when he is resurrected from the Dead into Eternal Life. Jesus’ Resurrection occurred 3 Complete Days after He was buried, which fell on Nisan 17. Nisan 17 was Day 8, counting inclusively, from the Time Christ was selected as Man's Sacrificial Lamb.

After the 7 Days of the Feast of Tabernacles there is an 8th and Final Feast day called the Last Great Day. This Fall Period is the most joyous of all of YHVH's Annual Days to Worship Him. One method of Time-Keeping used in Israel was called a ‘Watch’. Watches were Time Periods in which Guards were placed on Duty. By the Time of the New Testament, Days were divided into 8 Equal Parts (Matthew 14:25, Mark 6:48).

1- 6 PM to 9 PM
2- 9 PM to 12 AM
3- 12 AM to 3 AM
4- 3 AM to 6 AM

1- 6 AM to 9 AM
2- 9 AM to 12 PM
3- 12 PM to 3 PM
4- 3 PM to 6 PM

Number 8 and the Resurrection
Jesus, after His Resurrection, revealed Himself alive 8 Times just before His Ascension into Heaven. Jesus’ Appearances, alive, are as follows.

1- To Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9 - 11).

2- To the 2 Disciples traveling to Emmaus (Luke 24).

3- To all the Disciples except Thomas (John 20:19 - 24).

4- A week later to Thomas when present (John 20:26 - 29).

5- To the 500 Believers (1Corinthians 15:4 - 7).

6- To the Disciples in Galilee, a meeting arranged beforehand (Matthew 28:16 - 17).

7- To the Disciples at the Sea of Galilee where 153 Fishes were caught (John 21:1 - 24).

8- To Jesus’ half-brother James (1Corinthians 15:5 - 7).

Males, according to the Old Testament, were to be circumcised on the 8th Day. This command, which was first given to the patriarch Abraham, was also fulfilled when Jesus was born. The Number 8 symbolizes Circumcision of the Heart through Christ and the receiving of the Holy Spirit (Romans 2:28 - 29, Colossians 2:11 - 13).

Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount, His Introduction to the New Covenant, with the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are a list of 8 Behaviors or Attitudes that, if manifested in one’s Life, will receive a Reward or Blessing from God in the Resurrection.

YHVH saved 8 People on the Ark in order to have a New Beginning for Mankind after the Flood of Noah.

So, the 8th Year is all about a Transition, a New Order or Reset, etc. And is that not what the Luciferians are planning for and expecting? Thus, the Revelation 12 Sign is not done as the Jupiter Retrograde will occur again in Virgo in 2029. That will be based on its 12 Year Cycle. And considering the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Time-Frame, 2029 will be the Mid-Point. Interestingly, the Sign will start to configure in November of 2028 and reach its approximate Astronomical Alignment on September 11, 2029.

One is convinced that during Passover of 2029 is when the Daily Sacrifices will be stopped and the Abomination of Desolation occurs. This is when the Jewish Remnant, emblematic of the Woman of Revelation 12 then flees to the Wilderness to be Divinely Protected for the 2nd Half of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. But in considering all that one has presented, it is why one is convinced that the 2017 Revelation 12 Sign was and is the 7-Year Countdown Rapture Sign for the Church.

Revelation 12 Sign Resource Page
Refer to one’s Online Resource page on the Revelation 12 Sign Phenomena. It has Books, Charts, and Posters pointing to the Year 2025, 2029 and 2032 Timeline.

Rapture Resource Page
Refer to one’s Online Resource page on the Rapture. It has Books, Charts, and Posters pointing to the Year 2025, 2029 and 2032 Timeline.


What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period?
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