Luis Vega (23 Feb 2025)
"32 AD - 2032 AD CRUCIFIXION TIMELINE - Evidence of a Fall 2025-2032 Tribulation"

Evidence and Rationale for a Fall 2025-2032 Tribulation Period

by Luis B. Vega

In reading the World, National and State Headlines, does anyone ‘feel’ that ‘Something’ is surely happening Behind-the-Scenes? Something is Up…kind of sense? A lot of American Christians might have had a Sigh of Relief with Trump in the Oval Office in 2025. But one hopes that most are not going back to ‘Sleep’ or no longer think they need to continue ‘Watching’. Many have assessed that the reason why the USA got to this point in its History in the 1st Place, is that the Light, the Salt and the Salvation in Jesus that is to be the Church did just that, fell Asleep and stopped Watching.

Sure, it can be taxing but as one has said before, if there ever was the Place and the Time to be Awake and Watching, it is now. At the end of the Article is a Chart one made that summarizes the Church Age Span of Time. So, if one superimposes the Prophetic Template from 32 AD, one’s calculated Crucifixion Year, then one has to ‘Pinch’ oneself as they say, to realize just where this Generation is on the Map, or rather Timeline.

1 Day = 1000 Year

It is the Last or ‘Terminal Generation’. One cannot believe the Timeline, if it is then truly suggesting that the Year of the Rapture, that ends the Church Age in 2025, in the Gregorian Calendar. Now as to the Season or Feast of the Year? Passover? Traditional Shavuot or Pentecost? Or on one’s New Wine Timing in July? Or the Fall Feasts with Rosh HaShanah? It will remain to be seen. But realize that it is then just a matter of Months to find out as each Rapture High Watch Date is put to the Test each Year.

As to the Evil Workings, ‘Behind-the-Scenes’ being finalized? It is to be Rolled-Out after the Rapture. Realize that the apparent ‘Lull’, however or whatever that looks like will be a Peril and a Danger for the Bride of Christ even so. And thus, the need to be ‘Snatched-Up’, or Raptured out of Harm’s Way, because what is coming is Evil and Harmful. Lucifer knows the Bride of Jesus is to ‘Escape’ and nothing more could make Lucifer happy than to thwart the Departure of the Redeemed and to capture her again.

To that, one can only think of how such Plans and Means are surely beyond what the Bride of Christ can comprehend or contend with. However, on this Side of the Veil, this is where the Bride of Christ does have; the means and wherewithal to comprehend and contend with such Evil Plans and Schemes. The Scriptures are clean, so that one is not to be ignorant of the Enemy's Devices, nor of the Schemes and Wiles of the Devil. Also, that the Warfare of the Lamb’s Wife is Spiritual and she has been given the Full Armor of Christ to Fight but Fighting in Faith.

Prophecy is Pattern
Lastly, as instructed, those Thoughts, Plans for Evil are to be and can be thrown down by Standing in Prayer. They are to be demolished like Jericho. One’s Tribulation Period Timeline, from the Fall of 2025 to the Fall of 2032 is a Working Theory, as are all the other Presuppositions based on one’s Research and Interpretations. Although one cannot prove the Timelines, the Conjectures are based on Patterns that will be discussed. Until then, here is one’s Research Summary that suggests one’s Theories.

1. A 32 AD Crucifixion.

2. A July New Wine Pentecost Rapture Timing.

3. A Fall start of the Tribulation Period.

Why one is more convinced of the possible Timelines have to do with Astronomy. That is how one has pegged the Tribulation Period Timelines. It starts with the Timeline of Jesus’ Birth. Based on the Retrogrades of Jupiter and Venus in Leo, it would appear that Jesus was indeed born on September 11, -3 BC. Then the other Timeline has to do with the Proclamation of the Jubilee. It started with Jesus’ Public Ministry.

Then the other Timeline is based on Jesus’ Ministry being a 1260 Days Count, or 3.5 Years. This Timeline precisely led to the Crucifixion Day. That Day was on April 14, 32 AD, based on one’s Calculations. It was a Wednesday if one uses the Julian Calendar, etc. Jesus was in His 33rd Birth Year on that Passover Feast. Thus, with these 3 Timelines, one surmises a possible Triangulation that could support then when the Church Age is to conclude. One is convinced that it will be its Anniversary.

And that Conclusion of the Commission will be accented by the Resurrection-Rapture Event, at the New Wine. Thereafter, not knowing precisely how much Time will elapse, Daniel's 70th Week commences. One has calculated that the Rapture Timing is tied to the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine. And that the Feast of New Wine occurred in Tandem with what transpired in Acts 2. The Triangulation that one uses to correlate the Timelines is based on the Exodus Pentecost Calendar one has formulated.

It tracks the Journey of the Israelites to the Foot of Mount Sinai. And in so doing, one can match the Day Counts to strongly suggest that the Acts 2 Pentecost was on the 99th Day from Nisan 15. And that was the Feast of the New Wine that also commemorated the Golden Calf Incident. However, one has demonstrated that this was the 2nd Shavuot or 50 Day Count, to correspond with the Feast of the New Wine, etc.

As noted, one’s Working Theory is that perhaps the Resurrection-Rapture Event will occur on this very same New Wine Anniversary. It also is corroborated with the Boaz-Ruth Prophetic Typology and Timing. This suggests a July 23 Wheat Harvest that was thereafter Concluded with their Wedding. Then one superimposes the 1 Day = 1000 Year Axiom. So, if 32 AD was the Crucifixion Year, then 2000 Years or ‘2 Days’ will arrive in 2032. One has written many Books, made Charts and Posters about all of this. The Research is summarized in the following Site for one’s Review and Consideration.  

Online Rapture Resource Page
Here are some Free Charts to download that demonstrate the Timelines since -3 BC, that one is more convinced was the Birth of Jesus, based on the Astronomy going on.

The Magi Timeline

Tetrad Blood Moon of the Crucifixion

Crucifixion Week

Lifespan of Jesus

As mentioned, the 2032 Year Reference to the Return of Jesus is also predicated on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline. It is also another Working Theory based on the Essene Calendar and one’s supposition of how 1952 is when the Shemitah Count started for Israel. It is from there, that Year that the ‘Countdown’ to the End of the Church Age and the Beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week is perhaps to occur sometime in the Fall of the Year 2025. It will remain to be tested and seen.

1952 = 80 Years, if by Strength = 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation = 2025

Why 1952 is used as the Start Year, has to do with the Law of the New Trees. YHVH instructed Moses not to eat of the Fruit of a newly Planted Tree, once in the Promised Land until the 4th Year. Since Israel ‘Entered’ the Promised Land in 1948, adding the 4-Year Transition Period of Years gives one the Year 1952.

1948 Israel 'Reborn' and established in the Land + 4 Year Law of Trees = 1952

One has also a Chart that synchronizes many Timelines based on the Lives of several Bible Characters, that suggest a convergence in 2032. Have a look.

Synchronized Timelines

Tribulation TimeLine 2025-2032
As noted, one’s Working Theory, specific to the Timing of the Rapture Event is based on the New Wine Pentecost of Acts 2. One is more convinced that the Pentecost Feast that is synonymous with the Jewish Feast of Shavuot has been misinterpreted in terms of the Day Count. It is the 1st 50 Day Count of 3 Penta-Feasts that have now been confirmed as celebrated by the Essenes who preserved the Temple Scrolls.

Feast of the New Wine
The Temple Scrolls attest that there were the Feasts of the New Grain, New Wine and New Oil. One is just arguing that the Acts 2 Event corresponded to the Feast of the New Wine, the 2nd 50 Day Count. This is when the Church Age commenced. Thus, the Rapture’s Timing should conclude it, on its July 23 Wheat Harvest correlation and Anniversary. That is one’s Working Theory. This July 23 or ‘723’ Rapture Date, speculated, is also commensurate with the Leo New Year, Astrologically.

It is the Date where, for example, the Ancient Egyptians believed that the Rendezvous of the Dead took place. On that Date, the Ancient Gate of the Lion or Leo was open and it enabled the Transformation of the Body to ascend to the ‘Stars’, etc. Thus, one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline is predicated on one’s Research that calculated a July ‘White Wheat Wedding’ Acts 2 Pentecost Rapture Timing. One has now written 4 Books on this Leo New Year and New Wine Rapture Theories. See the Online Links for Book Purchases.

Why the Crucifixion was in 32 AD

Pentecost New Wine

Revelation 12 Sign: 2029

Thus, these Synchronized Timelines appear to corroborate that 2025 is the Rapture Year and the Start of Daniel’s 70th Week. One is very excited to see if one’s July 23 Pentecost New Wine Date will turn-out to be the High Watch Rapture Timing. If the July 23 Rapture does occur, it will be enough Time for the AntiChrist to then be revealed and have the Temple ready for the Dedication of the Daily Sacrifices ready to go by Mid-October of 2025.

That is the Key in determining when the Tribulation Period Day Count starts. Per the Prophecy of Daniel, the ‘Covenant’ will be ‘Cut Short’ in the Midst and when it will conclude with Jesus’ Return along with the Bride of Christ, etc. The Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period ties-in with the literal fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign. What? Yes. The Revelation 12 Sign is not over. In one’s continued Research of it, the Astronomical Approximation of it, with Jupiter in Virgo, retrograding will occur again in 2029.

As noted, that is the Year that would be the Mid-Year of the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Time-Frame. One is more convinced that this Event will be the Literal Fulfillment of the Prophecy. It is when the Jewish Believing Remnant then flee to the Wilderness, It will be the Exodus 2.0 for them. That Timeframe is also when the AntiChrist enters the rebuilt 3rd Temple to cease the Daily Sacrifices. It is also the occasion where and when the False Prophet mandates the ‘Caesar Loyalty Test’.

This will be in the form of taking into or on one’s Body the Mark, Name or Number of the 1st Beast, i.e., the AntiChrist. No one will be able to engage in Commerce and survive if not ‘plugged-into’ the Beast Economic, Medical and Social System. So, if the Rapture Event does occur in July of the Year 2025, that will then test one’s Tribulation Period Timeline, being a Fall 2025 to a Fall 2032 Time-Frame. Here is one’s Tribulation Period Timeline.

                              TRIBULATION PERIOD – FALL 2025 TO FALL 2032
                                                      DANIEL’S 70th WEEK

Sabbath of Beginnings                                                                     Sabbath of Return
             2025                                               2029                                           2032
           OCT 18                                            APR 1                                       SEP 11    
                 | ------------------------------------------- | -----------------------------------------|
     Commencement                                Intersession                               Conclusion  

It is predicted on how Solomon dedicated the Temple and initiated the Daily Sacrifices. The Theory is that the Pattern will be the Same. The Daily Sacrifices performed at the 3rd Temple are calculated to occur after the Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah activities conclude. The Jews want the Covenant back, which one? The Mosaic one.

That is the Covenant that will be reinstituted, and ‘confirmed’, in one’s Interpretation. Consider that the Word ‘Many’ in the Hebrew is L’Rabbim or the Many Teachers as in the Elders, or the Sanhedrin, etc. So, from that Date then, October 18, 2025 is when one presupposes it will be the Start of the 2520 Day Countdown. The Year 2032 is thus the Year, based on the Model of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year when Jesus is to return.

                                                   CRUCIFIXION TIMELINE
                          BASED ON 1 DAY = 1000 YEAR PROPHETIC PATTERN
           32 AD                                         Church Age                                 2032 AD
                 | ------------------------------------------ | -----------------------------------------|
     Commencement                      Pentecostal Intersession                     Conclusion  

And how 32 AD is the Crucifixion Year. Given this Time-Span and the 1 Day = 100 Years, it would strongly suggest that 2032 is when Jesus is to Return. From 2032, one then reverse engineers the 7-Year Tribulation Period. And that Factor will then suggest that 2025 is the Rapture Year. Granted, this is based on a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Timing and Scenario.

One cannot prove one’s Timelines, but they are one’s Working Models, thus far. The Abomination of Desolation, occurring at the Mid-Point would correspond to the March 31/April 1, 2029 Passover and then a September 11, 2032 Sabbath of Return Date would correspond to Jesus' Return. That is amazing. But if 2025 is when the Church’s Call to Retreat Back is to occur or its ‘Apostasia’, then that would be amazing also.



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32AD-2032AD Crucifixion Church Age Timeline.png