Luis Vega (23 Feb 2025)
"RAPTURE TIMING TRIBULATION - Pre-Trib, Pre-Wrath, Mid-Trib, Post-Trib?"

Pre-Trib, Pre-Wrath, Mid-Trib, Post-Trib?
When will the Departure of the Bride of Christ Occur?

by Luis B. Vega

‘Immediately after the Tribulation of those Days: The Sun will be darkened, and the Moon will not give its Light; the Stars will fall from the Sky, and the Powers of the Heavens will be shaken. At that Time the Sign of the Son of Man will appear in Heaven, and all the Tribes of the Earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the Clouds of Heaven, with Power and Great Glory’. -Matthew 24:29-30
For those that are Students of Bible Prophecy, the following is True. The more one studies the End Times and Biblical Prophecy, the more one realizes just how much one does not know about the End Times and Biblical Prophecy. That is very discouraging. One has been studying Eschatology or the Study of the End Times for 45 Years, as of this Writing, and one still does not understand it all. However, one is encouraged to realize that as a Believer and follower of Jesus, individually and collectively as the Body of Christ, Jesus is known and it is He who knows ‘Everything’

But in the meanwhile, while still on Earth, YHVH has given His People the ‘Mind of Christ’. Imagine that? Believers and Followers of Jesus just need to continue to yield to the Holy Spirit as His task is to Teach the ‘Deep Things of GOD’ and build-up the Bride with, etc. For example, as to the Rapture Event and when? What is or what does the ‘Last Trump’ mean? One is honestly not entirely sure of what the ‘Last Trumpet’ is about. One has heard all types of Explanations and Rationales, across the Board.

So, with such Topics or Issues that one is not entirely convinced, one just sets them aside. Since it is not a Salvation Issue, it is not that Important, personally, to know or to find out. There are other Topics and/or Issue one does like to know more about. The issue is that one just does not have the Time. One would rather study and devote all the Time of a Day to just researching and studying Scripture and such Topics. In comparison to the Pre-Flood Lifespans, imagine living, literally ‘9 Lives’ like Adam. One would have 9 Life-Times to do all that one would like and Time to really dig into the Word. One would have a whole Life-Times worth of Knowledge and Understanding.

Imagine the Depths of Understanding and Wisdom People had in Pre-Flood Times about ‘GOD’. Yet only 8 People were saved because of it. It was foretold to Daniel, that in the End of Days, such ‘Deep Things’ would be understood in the Last Generation. It was and is because it is the Last Generation. What has facilitated that Reality is that the Body of Christ, has an Advantage. It is that Believers and Followers of Jesus are indwelled with the Teacher, GOD the Holy Spirit. It is not a Possession as the Luciferians can only offer. They are driven by their Demonic Possessions.

What is the Context?
Believers and Followers of Jesus are led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus still respects one's own Free Will and Volition, etc. As to providing a Response to all those that do not hold a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Timing as one does? In studying the Chronology of the Book of Revelation, for example, one can get ‘Myopic’ in that, like the Parade Analogy, it does really depend on one’s Point of View or Reference and Experience. This is why the Apostle Paul stipulated that Newly Converts not Teach.

In the Parade Analogy, those having a Bird’s Eye View of the entire Parade can see its Beginning, the Middle and the End of the Procession. Those on the Ground or that have a measure of Elevated Perspective can just only Chime-In on what they see from their Locale and Scope of Perception. And that is an ever-evolving Perspective as it depends how far-out one seeks to venture within the length of the Parade, for example. It is thus a Process of having to take that Initiative to Investigate, up-and-down the Parade.

It is about Learning and that takes Effort, Discipline and Time. And even with all that, there is that proverbial ‘Learning Curve’ that one often states. So, all that to say, one is not surprised if some Brethren used to ‘Believe’ or held to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory. It is because others just see the Beginning of the ‘Parade’. Others are at the Mid-Section of the Parade. Still others are waiting at the Tail-End, etc.

This is why, in one’s personal Study of Eschatology, one has relied on 3 Major Factors or Filters that one believes has helped maintain a balanced and logical approach to studying the End Times. One will demonstrate these 3 Factors as it pertains to when the Rapture Event is to occur: Pre-Trib, Pre-Wrath, Mid-Trib, Post-Trib? The Rapture Timing Factors or Filters used in one’s Study and Research into Bible Prophecy has to start with Scripture, then Types and Patterns and then with Astronomical Correspondences.

1. Scripture Source: Obviously.
2. Types and Patterns: ‘Prophecy is Pattern’.
3. Astronomical Correspondences: ‘As Above, So Below’.

If anyone is familiar with one’s Work and Research, it has mainly been founded on these 3 Factors or Filters of Reference. All that to say, when it comes to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Timing, one is more convinced because of employing these 3 Research Factors that act as ‘Guiding Filters’. So, for example, some Brethren only do rely on Filter #1, the Scriptures. Good. That is essential and foundational. It is Common Ground. But some Brethren do not want to go or cannot go beyond that.

Other Brethren use Filter #1 and Filter #2, which is great and that is where most Researchers are at. What one further assess is based on Filter #3. It is based on how there are possible Correlations that are Astronomical but Biblically based. Consider the Christ Star, the Blood Moons, etc. YHVH said Himself, about the Sun, Moon and the Stars, that they are for ‘Signs’ and Seasons, as in Timing. One is just asserting that Filter #3 is the Confirming Signs that accentuate Filters #1 and #2. So, the Rapture Timing and the Book of Revelation? One employed not only Filters #1 in studying the 22 Chapters of the Book of Revelation but then superimposed Filter #2 and then Filter #3.

Prophecy is Pattern
In doing so, one’s Rapture Timing, being convinced is Pre-7 Year Tribulation, was and is based on the Scripture itself. It is then based on Prophetic Patterns and lastly on Astronomical Correspondences. One made 3 Charts to demonstrate this ‘Research System’, noted below for reference. And because of such a Research Matrix, one is more convinced and thus rationalizes that a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario is the more correct Interpretation of when the Rapture is to take place. The following are the 3 Charts that illustrate the 3 Filters one uses to help discern Bible Prophecy and specifically the possible Timing of the Rapture and when it is to occur.

The 22 Chapters of the Book of Revelation appear to correspond to the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alefbet. If that is the case, then notice how at Chapter 4, it corresponds to the Letter Dalet. It happens to mean ‘Door’. And that is where and when John is called to ‘Come Up Here’. And from that Point going forward, the Church is never Mentioned again, until the End.

See Chart for a Visual Depiction.

In diagramming the entire Book of Revelation, one wanted to see how many Times an Event occurred that seemed like a Rapture or a ‘Translation’ to Heaven. In so doing, one identified 7 instances where there was a Translation of People or Persons from Earth to Heaven. Coincidence? Perhaps, but Revelation is the premiere Book based on the Number 7.

See Chart for a Visual Depiction.

Then there is the Astronomical Factor that one is more convinced helps discern the Timing or Time-Frame of when the Rapture is to occur. In this case, it has to do with the Revelation 12 Sign. It is about how the Man-Child is Harpazo-ed out or Raptured to the Throne of YHVH in Heaven, etc. The Dragon goes to make War with the Remnant of the Jews and those Non-Jews that will have put their Faith the Trust in Jesus during the 7-Year Tribulation Period. One is convinced, that the literal fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign will occur in 2029, at the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period. This is if one is considering a Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline.


What is the Purpose of the Church?
It is this Time-Frame, ‘After the Tribulation of these Days’, that many Brethren naturally presume a Post-Trib and/or Pre-Wrath Rapture Timing. It is ‘True’, in part because it is 1 of the 7 ‘Raptures’ found in the entirety of the Revelation ‘Parade’, etc. One can understand why some Brethren make this ‘Error’, in one’s Estimation. One has to consider that there are 2 Main Gears turning in the Prophetic Machinery’, the Israel ‘Gear and the Church Age ‘Gear’. Most Brethren either confuse or conflate them.

Both are being convoluted, again in one’s Opinion. In this case, one is more convinced that when Jesus was explaining to the Jewish Disciples during the Olivet Discourse, it was in the Context of looking at the Past. Jesus marked it by Daniel’s Prophecy. But He then attributed it to its Future Fulfilment. This was, is and will be the Israel ‘Gear’. It was and is a Dichotomy of a ‘Back to the Prophetic Future’ Prophetic Overlap. And this is where the Rapture Timing Discrepancy comes into play. But consider that verse that convinces many of the Rapture being a Pre-Wrath or Mid-Trib Timing.

Immediately after the Tribulation of those Days: The Sun will be darkened, and the Moon will not give its Light; the Stars will fall from the Sky, and the Powers of the Heavens will be shaken. At that Time the Sign of the Son of Man will appear in Heaven, and all the Tribes of the Earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the Clouds of Heaven, with Power and Great Glory’. -Matthew 24:29-30

If one holds to this Time-Frame being the Rapture Timing of the Bride of Christ as revealed in the New Testament, consider the following Contrasts. At the Rapture of the Bride of Christ there will be no Astronomical Occurrences. None were mentioned by Paul, whom the Mystery of the Rapture was revealed to. It is a ‘Secret Rapture’ in how no one on Earth will witness it. It will not be a Spectacle as the Verse teaches, etc.

Notice then that no ‘Sign of Man’ will be given as the Rapture Event as it will be a ‘Sign’ to Israel, but it will be Invisible to the World. The Rapture Event itself will be the Sign, but no Revelation of the Glory of Jesus to the World at that Time. This is the Point. What is being described is the 2nd Coming, the Parousia not the Epiphaneia, i.e., Rapture.

Epiphaneia: Strong’s 2015 ἐπιφάνεια -
(Appearance at the Rapture Rendezvous)

‘It instructs us to renounce Ungodliness and Worldly passions, and to live Sensible, Upright, and Godly Lives in the Present Age, as we await the Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearance of our Great GOD and Savior Jesus Christ. He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all Lawlessness and to purify for Himself a People for His own Possession, zealous for Good Deeds’. -Titus 2:12-14

Parousia: Strong’s 3952. Παρουσία –
(Coming, as in Presence or Arrival)

‘So if they tell you, There He is in the Wilderness, do not go out; or Here He is in the Inner Rooms, [AntiChrist sitting in Ark] do not believe it. For just as the Lightning comes from the East and flashes as far as the West, so will be the Coming of the Son of Man’. -Matthew 24:26-27

The ‘Learning Curve’
At the Rapture Event, of the Extraction and Rescue of the Christians from off the Face of the Earth, there will not be any Mournes. Contrarily, there will be Celebrations as all those ‘Christians’ will have been finally dealt with and ‘Gone’. Lastly, the Passage goes on to conclude with the Literal and Glorious Appearing of Jesus. It will be the Occasion where all the World will see Him. It is in contrast to the Rapture that only the Bride of Christ will see Jesus. When the World sees Jesus return and Riding on the Clouds, it will be a very ‘Bad Day’ for them. It is what Jesus told Caiaphas at Jesus’ Trial.

It is what condemned Jesus for essentially saying that He is YHVH, the ‘Cloud Rider’ of Old and is the LORD GOD, etc. One would not want to see Jesus return in that Demeanor. It will not go well for the ‘Earth Dwellers’ as the Book of Revelation specifies. Thus, that is to say that the Context of the Olivet Discourse was, is and will be Post-Church, in one’s Interpretation. It is not about the ‘Rapture’ that was not even disclosed by the. It has to do with being a Context of dealing with the Israel ‘Gear’. Realize that the Disciples and the Jews had no Clue that there would be a Prophetic 2-Day Church Age Commission for 2000 Years (32 AD to 2032) until Jesus would return.

And it would only be after, at that Place and Time that Jesus would set-up the Kingdom the Disciples were asking about. Only then will Israel be the Head of the Nations with Jesus ruling from the Temple Throne Ark Chair in Jerusalem, etc. So, in one’s Calculation, all this is presented to show how one ascertains why the Church Age cannot enter into the Tribulation Period, once the 1st Daily Sacrifice is made.

But as to having differences of Opinion or Interpretation, like if the Rapture is Pre-Trib, Pre-Wrath, Mid-Trib or Post-Trib? One just offers what one has presented and leaves it at that. Here are the other Scriptural Patterns, Filter #2 that one would use in presenting how such Types and Patterns strongly suggest a Harpazo or Rapture Rescue having to occur before ‘Sudden Destruction’.

1. You have the Escape of Lot and Family from Sodom.
‘Very well, he answered, I will grant this Request as well and will not demolish the Town you indicate. Hurry! Run there quickly, for I cannot do anything until you reach it. That is why the Town was called Zoar’. -Genesis 19:21-22

2. You have the Escape of Rabab at the Wall of Jericho, having the Red Chord Sign.
‘The Men said to her, We will not be bound by this Oath you made us swear unless, when we enter the Land, you have tied this Scarlet Cord in the Window through which you let us down, and unless you have brought your Father and Mother and Brothers and all your Family into your House. If anyone goes out the Door of your House into the Street, his Blood will be on his own Head, and we will be Innocent. But if a Hand is laid on anyone with you in the House, his Blood will be on our Heads’. -Joshua 2:17-19

3. Then the Absence of Daniel as the Hebrews endured the Wrath of Fire, 7 Times hotter.
‘At this, Nebuchadnezzar was filled with Rage, and the Expression on his Face changed toward Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He gave Orders to heat the Furnace 7 Times hotter than usual’. -Daniel 3:19

So, based on all that one has presented in summary, it is why, at this Point in Time, one is more convinced that the Rapture Event, the Harpazo of the Bride of Christ will be a Pre-7-Year Tribulation Period Scenario. One could be wrong as one is on that proverbial ‘Leaning Curve’ one often mentions. But if other Brethren have a different Expectation as to the Rapture’s Timing, that is totally fine. Consider the last Piece of Scriptural Evidence how there is a clear Delineation made to the Appearance of Jesus, to only His Bride and then to the World.

‘Now concerning the A) Coming of our LORD Jesus Christ and our B) being Gathered Together to Him, we ask you, Brothers, not to be easily disconcerted or alarmed by any Spirit or Message or Letter seeming to be from us, alleging that the Day of the LORD has already come.

Let no one deceive you in any way, for it will not come until the Rebellion [Departure] occurs and the Man of Lawlessness—the Son of Destruction—is revealed. He will oppose and exalt himself above every so-called God or Object of Worship. So he will seat himself in the Temple of GOD, proclaiming himself to be God’ - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

Consider the Passage in Greek. Realize that in the English, the Delineation of the 2 Appearances is not made clear. But in this single Passage, one can discern that the Rapture and the 2nd Coming are separate.

A) The Greek Word for the Coming of Jesus = G3952 παρουσίας  Parousia

B) The Greek Word for the Gathering Together = g1997 ἐπισυναγωγῆς Episynagōgē

And to stress, that one is not tasked to ‘Convince’ others, otherwise. However, it is one’s best attempt of providing one’s Argument, Rationale and Conviction as to why one does believe the Harpazo, i.e., the Rapture Event is Pre-7 Year Tribulation Period. One hopes that helped give a bit more of a Perspective based on how one uses the 3 Filters in helping discern End Times Prophecy and Topics like the Timing of the Rapture.


The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine.


People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing?


The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying that the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count is what Acts 2 was and is about.


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