by Luis B. Vegavegapost@hotmail.comwww.PostScripts.org
One was asked to explain the ‘Exodus Pentecost Countdown’ Chart. It is about how one has determined that July 23 is the Feast of New Wine and what had transpired back in Acts 2 when GOD the Holy Spirit came down. One postulates that the Acts 2 Pentecost was on the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine. It was on the 99th Day from Nisan 15, after Passover wherein all the Hebrews left Egypt. It is the occasion when the Church Age started. It is the only Feast of the 7 of YHVH that directly ties the Church Body. Now, the Exodus Count to Pentecost, is what one surmises, concluded on the very same day the Golden Calf Incident occurred, thus the Revelry. See Exodus 32:18.
Brenton Septuagint TranslationAnd Moses says, It is not the Voice of them that begin the Battle, nor the Voice of them that begin the Cry of Defeat, but the Voice of them that begin the Banquet of Wine do I hear. - https://biblehub.com/sep/exodus/32.htm
In fact, one postulates that the Feast that YHVH had in Mind to celebrate with the Israelites, was the Feast of the New Wine that YHVH demanded of Pharaoh to let Israel celebrate. Considering that based on the Timeline, the only Feast that would later become 1 of the 7 Ordained Ones was Pentecost, i.e., that which was commemorated in Acts 2, not Shavuot that the Rabbinical Jews only acknowledge. See Exodus 5:1-2.
After that, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, This is what the LORD, the GOD of Israel, says: Let My People go, so that they may hold a Feast to Me in the Wilderness. But Pharaoh replied, Who is the LORD that I should obey His Voice and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, and I will not let Israel go.
Now some People will argue that the Elder’s Wedding Feast was that Feast. However, that Wedding Feast was just with the Leaders of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Not all of Israel collectively celebrated the Feast at that Time and Place. It was Aaron that enabled that, prematurely. It was he that prepared the People for the Feast, but according to the Lust. But it occurred on the 99th Day. Thus the Notion that it was the Feast of the New Wine.
He took the Gold from their Hands, and with an Engraving Tool, he fashioned it into a Molten Calf. And they said, These, O Israel, are your Gods, who brought you up out of the Land of Egypt! When Aaron saw this, he built an Altar before the Calf and proclaimed: Tomorrow is a Feast to the LORD. So, the next Day they arose, offered Burnt Offerings, and presented Peace Offerings. And the people sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in Revelry. -Exodus 32:4-6
Which Shavuot?Back to the Exodus Day Count. There is to be a counting of 7 Shavuots or 7 Weeks, that is a 49 Day Count from the Day after Passover. Then the 50th Day is a ‘Pentecost’. But it is not what occurred in Acts 2. It should be an additional 50 Day Count. Pentecost means a Count of 5 or a Derivative of it, as in 50. The Hebrew Word ‘Shavuot’ just means a ‘Set of 7’. It can be Days, Weeks, Years, and Decades, etc. It is just a Measure of Time. Note that if one then counts the 1st 50 Day Count from Nisan 15, that lands on the Hebrew Month and Day of Sivan 3. The Israelites had not even reached Sinai.
Interestingly, this Date falls on June 2nd, which is always the 153rd Day of the Gregorian Year. It does have Prophetic Echoes of the 153 Fish that are emblematic of the Church Age. It has to do with the Commission of ‘Catching the Souls of Men’, as ‘Fish’ being caught in the Fisherman's Net, etc. Nonetheless, Sivan 15 is when the Israelites reached the Foot of the Mountain. However, the Rabbinical Jews celebrate Sivan 6 as ‘Shavuot’, the Giving of the Law. That was to occur 10 Days later.
The Jewish Traditional ‘Shavuot’, or what is also called Pentecost by the Church, however, is not what actually matches the Day Counts. Sivan 6 is on the 52nd Day on the Exodus Timeline from Nisan 15. It does not even commemorate the 15th of Sivan when Scripture clearly states is when the Israelites reached the Foot of Mount Sinai, etc. Then it was to be 3 Days to when YHVH addressed them. Even as the Jewish incorrectly attribute Shavuot, it is only the 1st of the 3 Penta-Feasts of First Fruits, which are now corroborated by the discovery of the Temple Scrolls.
1. Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wheat - 50 Day Count.
2. Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine - 50 Day Count.
3. Feast of the First Fruits of the New Oil - 50 Day Count.
This ‘New’ Understanding or Interpretation of Acts 2 is controversial and does go against nearly 2000 Years of Church Tradition. As an aside Observation, consider the Exodus Trek out of Egypt. In plotting the Exodus Day Count on the Map and Timeline with the Chart, one realized the Average Speed, per Day of the Israelites trekking to Sinai. Based on an Approximate Throng of 3 Million, the People were only able to cover about 6 Miles a Day. And from Tell el-Daba (Scholar David Rohl Findings) to Sinai, using Google Ground Length, was exactly 360 Nautical Miles. That is amazing.
It seemed the Israelites were ‘Taking their Time’, until the Red Sea Crossing. That Event occurred at the 40th Day Marker on the Timeline. And as the Egyptian Army came to entrap them and take them back to Slavery, once they crossed the Red Sea at Nuweiba, they marched at a Double-Speed to get to the Foot of Mount Sinai. Here is where the Day Count is in Question and based on one’s Interpretation of how the First Fruits of the New Wine was on the 99th Day. As noted, this Day corresponds to the 2nd Shavuot Count, which one asserts was and is corresponding to the Acts 2 Pentecost Event. It is on Tammuz 23 and the Feast of New Wine, etc. And in the Gregorian Day Count, it correlates to a July 23 (723). Here are the Scriptural References.
Exodus 19:1The Scriptures precisely specify when the Israelites reached the Foot of Mount Sinai. It was the ‘Same Day’, on the 15th Day of the Month, exactly 60 Days later. That was Sivan 15. It took 2 Months to reach Sinai from when the Israelites left Egypt. That was Nisan 15. The Exodus Pentecost Calendar is what one is using as a Template of an exact Day Count to determine its corresponding Feast Day that one is convinced Acts 2 is all about, the Feast of New Wine, etc.
Exodus 19:11Notice that it was 10 Days from Sivan 4, Day 50 when the Israelites arrived at the Foot of Mount Sinai, Day 60 or Sivan 15. Then the 3 Days of Preparation followed. YHVH then instructed Moses to tell the Israelites to prepare themselves for the Face-to-Face Presentation and Introduction of YHVH, who saved them from Slavery. The Day Counts is thus now Sivan 18.
Exodus 24:1YHVH then audibly outlined the ‘Terms and Conditions’ of the Covenant with Israel. Israel said, ‘I Do’, at that Place and Time. It was the Marriage Proposal as YHVH ‘Proposed’ to this Race, a Divine Covenant, as in a Marriage. Thus, the Relationship was to be defied with its Privileges and Consequences. Then YHVH invited the 70 Elders to a Marriage Supper. It took place at the Cleft of the Rock. It was much like the 12 Disciples at the LORD’s Supper with Jesus and His Ketuvah, or Marriage Contract. The 70 Elders were emblematic of the 12 Disciples.
Exodus 24:16This is when YHVH then instructed Moses to wait until the 7 Day to go up the Mountain thereafter. Here is the Day Count of the initial 3 Days presented before YHVH + the 7 Days of the Elder’s Wedding Supper to equal 10 Days. One’s Timeline thus calculates that Moses was 30 Days total, exclusively with YHVH on the Mountain. This constitutes the 40 Day Count._____________________
Thus, the 99-Day Count includes the 30 Days Moses went up to the Summit of Sinai to be given the Written Covenant on those 2 Tablets of Stone. It includes the 7-Day Wedding Supper and the 3 Days of Preparation, for a total of 40 Days. But then there are the 10 Days from Sivan 3 for a Grand Total of 50 Days. It was thus, on the 50th Day that Moses came down with the 2 Tablets of Stone. This was, as one argues, the Day that Aaron alluded to, the Feast of New Wine. Here are the itemized Day Counts. This is how one surmises the 49 Days + 1 Day + 50 Day Count to equal the 99th Day Count.
Nisan 15 + 7 Sabbaths or 49 Days + 1 Day = Sivan 3 or a June 2nd.
Sivan 4 + 10 Days = Sivan 15 (Arrive at Foot of Mount Sinai).
Sivan 15 + 3 Days of Preparation and Presentation = Sivan 18.
Sivan 18 + 7 Days of Elder’s Supper = Sivan 23.
Sivan 24 + 30 Days Moses is with YHVH = Tammuz 23 (99th Day) July 23 (723).
Tammuz 23 = Golden Calf Incident = Feast of New Wine, i.e., Acts 2 Pentecost.
The LORD’s SupperTo reiterate, the 1st Shavuot of the 50th Day Count reached is what the Rabbinical Jews to this Day celebrate as ‘Shavuot’. The Feast of Weeks is only the Commemoration of the Giving of the Law. This is not correct. And for the Christian Church, it is what is presently believed what took place in Acts 2, their ‘Pentecost’. This is not correct. As to the Elder’s Wedding Supper?
The following will be one’s Interpretation of how the ‘Rapture Picture’ can possibly be extrapolated from the Parallels of how YHVH’s Marriage to Israel and their 70 Elder Wedding Supper can be likened to the Rapture of Jesus’ Bride and a similar LORD’s Supper to be concluded in Heaven. The 70 Elder Wedding Supper was about half-way up Mount Sinai, in the area called the Cleft of the Rock. It is a relatively flat area that could accommodate the 70 Elders. They were the Metaphor for the Collective 12 Tribes of Israel. See Chart for a Visual Illustration.
It is where YHVH came down upon that Sapphire Floor, transparent and how Tables and a Meal were set-up. Imagine the Spectacle. They saw YHVH, Face-to-Face and they all did not die. This is why the Orthodox Jews revere the Sanhedrin, the Body of the Ruling Elders of Zion. But how, unfortunately they have superscripted their Oral Torah to supersede the Written Torah of Moses. In other words, this is what Jesus called them out for, for nullifying the Word of YHVH with their Traditions of Man.
This is what is flawed in Rabbinical Judaism. And it was for this Reason that the Elders of Zion, the Sanhedrin sought to Kill Jesus. As a Consequence, this is why Moses is a Type of Jesus in that Moses had to wear a Veil due to being in the Presence of YHVH’s Glory. In a sense, Moses could not be ‘seen’ by the Jews, entirely. They knew it was Moses, but they could not see his Face. This is the same case with Jesus.
Reversing the CurseThe Religious Jews cannot see Jesus, Face-to-Face because of the Law, representing Moses cannot fully disclose who YHVH is. Only in Jesus is that Veil removed. That will happen once Jesus returns at the end of Jacob’s Trouble. It will be like Joseph and his 11 Brothers who realized that it was Joseph all along who was their Deliverer. So, the 7 Days of the 70 Elders supping with YHVH mirrors the 7 Years Jesus will likewise have with His Wife in Glory after the Rapture. That is pretty amazing.
Nonetheless, one contends that after the 7 Day Wedding Meal with the 70 Elders, Moses then subsequently went up to the Summit of Sinai to then receive the Terms of the Covenant in Stone, i.e., the 2 Tablets written by the very Finger of YHVH. It is the same in how Jesus was called to the Father’s House and had to leave the Disciples. However, He promised to return. And that is the Challenge of a Faithful Bride. Will she endure and keep herself only to Jesus? In His Absence He sent down the Holy Spirit to help empower such a Commitment. This occurred on the Feast of New Wine, Acts 2.
And it was on the 99th Day, the same Day the Golden Calf Incident occurred and 3000 Souls perished. But in Acts 2, 3000 Souls were saved. The Curse was reversed. So, to reiterate if this Day Count is correct as presented in this Exodus Pentecost Calendar, then Moses spent the subsequent 30 Days to include the prior 20 Days prior that one specified. Thus, on the 50th Day, or the 99th Day from Nisan 15, back in Egypt, that is when Moses came down with the Tablets, written by the very Finger of YHVH. But, as it was announced by Aaron, the Feast was to occur on that same Day.
And they reveled in the New Wine, as that is what Moses described the Feast of Rebellion in which 3000 then perished for their violation of their ‘I Do’ to YHVH, already. Thus, this Day Count from Nisan 15 is how one has surmised that the Acts 2 Pentecost was the actual 2nd Shavuot or the 2nd 50 Day Count, as one reinterprets Leviticus 23:15-16. And that the Acts 2 Event matches the 99th Day from Nisan 15, the Day after Passover wherein Jesus was Crucified. And it was the occasion of how Jesus reversed the Curse, starting with the Church Age. And perhaps when it will end too.
And the Last Supper in the Upper Room was, as Moses and the Elders going up to Sinai with the Representative of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Jesus then left, going further up to the House of His Father to prepare that Marriage Chamber, etc. So, if one converts the Day Count from the Jewish Calendar of 30 Days each, the Tammuz 23 Date corresponds to a July 23. This was the case, especially when the Julian Calendar was in place and mirrored the Jewish Calendar, until the change to the Gregorian Calendar.
One is aware that the Day Count does differ with other Brethren, like Dr. Awe and Brother Tyler at Generation 2434. It is because they count the 40 Days of Moses being atop Sinai after the Elder’s Supper. If one uses that Day Count as their Start Date, then one will cross over into the 5th Jewish Month of Av. In that case, one can see why the ‘9th of Av’ is what is considered to be the Feast of New Wine. The Golden Calf Incident is attributed to this Day. But if one sees the entire Exodus Timeline, one will see that the 99th Day from Nisan 15 is still within the 4th Month of Tammuz, not Av, etc.
However, one could be wrong, but one is more convinced that the 9th of Av has to do, more so with the Bad Report of the 10 Spies. Notice that the Evidence was that of ripened and mature Grape Clusters that the Spies brought back. This could not have been possible during the Time of the New Wine, as the Ripening had just begun by then. So, that is the purpose of a First Fruit Feast. It was to be a Token of the Whole It is to commemorate and bless the entire Harvest to come, once fully ripened, etc. And that is what was precisely the case occurring during the Feast of New Wine in Acts 2.
The Disciples and those 3000 Jews that got saved were but those First Fruits of the New Wine, the New Church, the New Wine Skins, etc. The Harvest is yet to occur. The Church Age Harvest is likened to Fish caught in a Net as is the Wheat harvested in the Summer, etc. And if one superimposes the Church Age as the 4th Stem of the 7-Branch Menorah, it is the Pentecost Age that is still on-going. It is present and in-play. The Church will only complete her Commission as the Last Gentile is ‘harvested’. Only then will this Mystery Age, that was kept hidden, revert back to Israel and the Law.
And that will occur as one surmises, at the Resurrecting-Rapture call that will close-out the Wheat Harvest. This is commemorated during the Feast of the Pentecost New Wine. It Prophetically parallels what occurred at Mount Sinai. It is the only Feast that is directly tied to the Church Age Body of Christ. It pertains to the Church Age of Grace, of New Wine that has now Matured, as the Bride has made herself Ready. Only then, and in consort with the Holy Spirit in her as 1, she can say, ‘Come’!
‘I, Jesus, have sent My Angel to give you this Testimony for the Churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright Morning Star. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come! Let the one who hears say, Come! And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the Water of Life drink freely’. -Revelation 22:16-17______________________
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