Lewis Brackett (9 Feb 2025)
"Tithing is not for the Church."

Tithing is not for the Church

       The doctrine of the Church is only found from Romans to
Philemon. Doctrine can only be properly understood through the
doctrine of Dispensations.

      The law of Moses only applies to the time period of the
dispensation of the Law. This law has no application in our time
period, the dispensation of Grace. Pastors who teach tithing using
verses from the law of Moses, or even worse, teach that tithing is a
sacrament of the church (like my former church) do violence to truth
and scripture. In reality, there were several mandatory tithes and
offerings under the Law totaling well more than half a person’s
income. Add to this that all debts and land purchases were canceled
after a period of time as well. The purchased land actually reverted
back to the family you bought it from every 49 years under the Law!

   The doctrine of giving taught by Paul for the Church is merely to
give as you are blessed. Nowhere does he talk about tithing or set any
other amount or percentage.
Maranatha,  Lewis