Is Trump a sneaky swamp creature? Some Christians are realizing the purpose of these super AI computers is to track the social credit score of every person so you can’t buy or sell if you protest the state! That’s right out of Revelation ch 13:17 saying that no one can buy or sell unless the state allows him to do so!” Is an embedded “doggy chip” the “mark of the beast” of Revelation? Both on and in the back of the right hand? Available RIGHT NOW! We are also noticing that while Congress can quickly block any or all of Trump’s executive orders, not one swamp creature is even talking about doing so! We all know Bill Gates wants this AI system to control everyone, and murder six billion people, and he and the other Billionaire Geeky guys are now Trump’s best friends? I think it’s been a classic “bait and switch” routine with the Democrats being as outrageously offensive as possible to get Trump in office so he can help implement the soon coming TEN Region world government! Now the $$$$$$$ question is, WHO is going to be the AntiChrist? Lewis Brackett