Lewis Brackett (2 Feb 2025)
"Some believe in another Earth creation before this one!"

   Yes, and they can get really annoyed when you politely point out it
can't be so!
I just got flamed (no cursing) with all caps Friday night after
politely responding to this Brother's assertion on Bro Gary Steerman's
Prophecy Watchers program.
  Basically what these people believe is that God created the "First
Heavens" and the "first Earth" maybe several thousand years before our
Bible's creation story in Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.  Then, Satan rebelled,
and then Satan ruled That Former Earth until God had had enough, and
destroyed it. They believe Our Bible story begins in Genesis 1:1 with
God re-creating the creation He had just destroyed.       Some
believers ,like our Brother, believe some of the really ancient stuff
he is digging up now came from the civilization before Genesis 1:1!!!
  It's also about "The Gap Theory" with additional twists. I'm not
going to name this Brother, as I  don't want even more people confused
with all that sillyness.

What I wrote to him that he got really mad about was:
   ""Satan fell in the heavenlies as he walked among the stones of fire
Ezekiel 28:14+ ... The rebellion of Satan and his angels was in
heaven. Earth& our creation was created in response to the rebellion in
heaven. Genesis 1:1 is about during the creation process.  In Gen 1:2
God says He created everything. This is NOT a re-creation, There is NO
GAP! Nothing being dug up now is over 6000 years old. These artifacts
(this brother is finding) were created after Adam and Eve and before
Noah's flood!""

    Which is what really happened. Sadly, lots of stuff like this is
being used by Satan to get young Christians to question their faith.
    What was Satan's question to Eve in the Garden? It was "Has God
Said?"" Don't be led astray by silliness!
Lewis B